Chap #5 : Weekend outing

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 It was a cloudy day. Sun must be enjoying its weekend somewhere else.         
I guess a storm must be approaching. We had no time to check the forecast .
Obviously no one will be checking the weather forecast while sneaking out of the house..

Its not like I’m grounded or something. But mom will never allow me out in this weather. Ian was totally against it too, but I convinced him that it would be fun. I have never sneaked out before.

Ian picked me up in his car for our weekend outing. Surprisingly the beach was  less crowded. It was almost empty. The sky was slightly drizzling when we reached there. I looked up , worried.

"Someone is nervous about the weather.... " Ian sang in a rhythmic tone playing the imaginary guitar .

"Not when I have a mighty boyfriend with me" I said and tugged his arms with mine.

His shirt was slightly wet and cold. I shivered involuntarily. 

"Linda if you're cold tell me. Let's leave" He touched my forehead to see if I'm ok.

"I'm alright Ian. So please shut up and enjoy the view" I pulled his hand into mine.

With that we stopped talking. 
But it was not a empty silence.
We had no need to fill it with words.   We were comfortable in the silence .

I rested my head in his shoulder.  He blew & rubbed my palms to make me feel warm. And it did work ..!

                 After what seemed like forever I checked my watch. 20 minutes has passed.. The drops were getting bigger and frequent. It can be raining any moment . Ian insisted to leave. But I wanted to play in the sea.

" Just five minutes Ian. " I pleaded. He was not giving in.

He shook his head and tied his hands.
This was his stubborn posture.

"U'll catch a cold, lin" .

I know I can't win him with words. I sighed.

"Ok I'll come with you. But only if you catch me before I touch the water " with that I started running. Giggling too, but also running.

Ian didn't comprehend my words for a moment but when he did he started to chase me .
My small legs can never compare to his long ones. I ran with all my strength to win this game .
Waves began to touch my feet. I turned back , Ian was not too far.

He yelled "Lin wait . Don't go deep. It's raining . Come here" .

Oh yes it was raining.  I was not aware of that in my rush .

But I could not let him talk me out of this. He knew he was losing me and he is trying to trick me to stop. I kept running. Just a few steps more and I win !

"Lin you're going deep" he shouted.
But I can't lose the game.  Not when I’m so close to winning.

I turned to him and shouted "Catch me if you can , I'll buy you lunch ! "

I was giggling insanely. 

But the look in his face suddenly got all intense .

He stopped running.

He had this horror struck expression in his face and all of a sudden he ran faster than before, towards me .

That was when I felt something pull me inside the sea.

A loud thrashing noise filled my ears and my legs gave out !

" No ! LINNY !! No !" He screamed.
It was the last thing I heard, before everything went black .....

A/N : Take a second to vote on every chapter,  before you move on to the next one !
It would mean the world to me 🙆😍

Love , Sheirly Manu ☺

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