Chap #4 : Happily ever after

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"So.. When are you guys breaking up ?"

I turned with a gasp .

It was Alexandria standing next to my locker. She had her signature attitude look in face.

Alex is the head cheerleader in basketball team and has more than half of the school drooling behind her.

I must admit she has great hair, smoking body and you can see her skin shining in the sunlight even from the third row in the ground.
But, God knows why, she was always after Ian.

"In your dreams alex" I replied with a smile.

"Don't be too confident Linda. Girls like you can not get the prince charming. You are all screwed up watching those fairytales. Ian is way too much for you. Watch me. I'll win him over" She threw me a deadly glare and walked away.

Even if I didn't flinch at her words, it sure scared the hell out of me.

She was right .

Ian was Rich (Not a millionaire but still rich), Smart, Sweet and Extremely handsome . I was just a plain average girl from a normal family.

He deserved someone better . Maybe like Alexandria ??

Or Maybe not !

He was the one who liked me first.
He asked me out first.
"Lin. Get yourself together. " I smacked myself, sighed and walked away . I need to find Ian .

He was waiting for me in our usual table at cafeteria .

"Hey Lin , you look worried. What happened babe ?" I fell for the concerned look in his face.

The tension in the atmosphere lightened up.

"Nothing much. Its just not easy to be a high schooler . Especially with an Dashing hot boyfriend like you " I said and winked at Ian.

“Oh the same jealous birds huh !?” he raised his eyebrows.

“It was Alexandria’s turn today. She told me that “Girls like me” can never find our prince charming.” I pulled out my water bottle and took a sip.

“What does she mean by “Girls like you” ? Who does she think she is ? Queen Victoria” He seemed quite irritated.

“You know what . Just forget them lin. You might not be a princess and I might not be a prince. But my 'Happily ever after' will always be with you . Only you." He held my hand and it was really comforting .

“Ian Williams. You sure are good with words” I smiled and kissed his cheek.

There is something special about him.
There is something special about us.

"Lin do you have any plans this weekend ? " Ian questioned me .

How could I have a plan without him ?
Emma would be busy in Helen’s birthday party. Her cousin, studying in the university. I don't know why but I'm not into parties or alcohol. I will rather take a walk or go see a movie than be in a room full of intoxicated and smoking youngsters. Yes, go ahead. You can call me boring . But this is me.

"Nope. Do you have any ?".

"If you are willing to come with me to the beach, yes" He said.

"Beach sounds good ." I said as I took a bite of my sandwich.

"Is that a yes ? " He asked with wide curious eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, my dear . Yes... But now I have to attend my classes. I have an Essay due this weekend. I shoulg go finish that, so that I can enjoy my weekend with you... see ya" I walked away from there with a smile which never faded till the end of the day.

A/N : Take a second to vote on every chapter,  before you move on to the next one !
It would mean the world to me 🙆😍

Love , Sheirly Manu ☺

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