take off your pants

540 44 3

A/N: This is pre-getting together.

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"Emma, please,"  Regina stood at her desk, sternly eyeing the younger blonde woman across from her, "I need to see it."

Just a few minutes before, Regina had found Emma in her backyard, sprawled out in the grass with her bottom-up, the knee of her jeans soaked through with blood.  Regina had been thoroughly confused until she remembered that Henry had invited Emma over to help build his treehouse in the back.

Emma had been glad to spend some quality time with Henry, so she agreed, and Regina had let her since they were just starting to act friendly towards one another for their son.

"Regina, I'm fine.  I just scraped it on a rock when Henry tripped me.  It's not like I got my leg chopped off or something.  I just need a band-aid."

Regina glanced at her red-faced ten-year-old son who was quietly observing from the back of the room, his nose wrinkled in distaste once he heard the words of betrayal leave Emma's mouth.

"You tripped her?" Regina asked, her voice laced with disapproval.  

"It was an accident," he mumbled, causing his younger mother to scoff.

"Right," Emma commented.

"It was!" Henry argued, "Maybe if you would just watch where you were going you wouldn't be tripping over stuff all the time."

"You tripped me because you were mad at me for not asking your mom if we could buy three gallons of glitter to sprinkle all over the treehouse.  And maybe if you kept all of your appendages to yourself, I wouldn't be tripping over you all of the time."

"Well, why can't we get the glitter?"

"It could hurt the birds!"

Regina snorted.

"Mom!" Henry cried, "Emma hurt me when she tripped over me!  Look, there's a scrape on my ankle."

"You little liar!" Emma accused, her finger pointed in her son's direction.

They weren't really arguing.  Emma and Henry had developed a rapport that consisted of ridiculous arguments and pointing fingers at each other through laughs and smiles.

"Enough!" Regina called, "Henry, go back outside.  I'll talk to you in a moment."

Henry obeyed, leaving Regina alone with Emma.

"Honestly, Miss Swan.  When you and Henry are together it's almost as if I have two children instead of one."

The other woman said nothing, only reddened and shifted uncomfortably on her feet.  Regina motioned for Emma to sit down before she opened the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a first-aid kit.  Emma complied and plopped down on the edge of the desk, earning a stern glare from the older woman.  

"Go ahead," Regina said sarcastically, "Just make yourself at home."  

Emma shrugged.  "Thanks." 

Regina rolled her eyes before she magicked a chair in front of Emma and walked around her desk so that she could sit in from of the spunky blonde woman.

"Alright," Regina said, "Now, take off your pants."

Emma coughed.  "What?"

"Take them off, I need to see the cut."

Regina smirked as Emma's face turned beet-red.

"B-but what if Henry were to walk in?"

"I'm just bandaging  your knee, Miss Swan, it's not like we're..." Regina paused to think of an appropriate example and decided to take advantage of the moment to poke fun at the younger woman.

"...Making tacos.  It's perfectly appropriate."

Emma wrinkled her nose before she smirked.

"You mean tapas?"

"Whatever suits you," Regina replied, "Now take them off."

Saying nothing, Emma blushed and slowly rid herself of the denim.

"Good girl."


Regina cleaned the wound (which was significantly worse than she thought) with an alcoholic wipe.  She then took a bandage from the box, peeled it from its package and carefully stuck it onto Emma's knee and rubbed small circles on the back side of the adhesive strips to make sure that the bandage would stay.  She wanted to give Emma a kiss on the knee, but she quickly pushed that thought away and tapped Emma twice on the leg.

"There.  All done."

She helped Emma off of the desk and handed the younger woman her jeans.

"Uh, Thanks."

Regina smirked.  "Yes, dear.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some grown-up work to attend to."

"Shut up," Emma ordered in frustration.

"Make me," Regina said, carefully enunciating each syllable and effectively sending a shiver down Emma's spine.

Emma cleared her throat.  "Whatever."  She paused, but then spoke again.  "Maybe I will."

"Is that so?" Regina asked, her eyebrows raised.

Emma leaned forward ever so slightly and hesitated only a moment before leaning over the desk and meeting her lips to Regina's.  Regina's heart fluttered and threatened to crawl up her throat.  Emma lingered there, and instead of stopping her Regina felt herself tug Emma closer.

Pulling away, Emma rolled her eyes and turned around.   Regina felt herself flush red and she brought her cool hands to cover her warm face.  Emma hid her face as she slipped her jeans back on and buttoned them before she jogged back outside to finish building the treehouse.  Regina watched her leave, shocked into silence.

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