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A/N: Uh hi I just wanted to say that this drabble has the big bad 'F' word in it and I just wanted to warn any lil' chitlins that might be reading this because I don't have this story set as "mature" and so...  Yeah.  Ye've been warned.  <3

ALSO, I like to attach youtube videos to my chapters and stuff but sometimes I might accidentally attach the same one twice to two different chapters so if you notice that I do that in this story or any of my other stories please tell me.  :) Thanks. :P

(My dwarf hamster is being super loud right now and I think she wants to say hello to you all so Strawberry says hi)

I hope you likey. <3

.  .  .

Emma coughed into the crook of her arm and groaned as she rolled over in her bed.  She lay there huffing breaths through her raw, sore throat before sitting up and grabbing a tissue from the tissue box on her nightstand and blowing all hell from her nose.  She heard a door shut from downstairs, but she didn't bother to get up and investigate what should have been an empty house.

"Emma?" Regina called as she bounded up the stairs noisily, "Are you okay?"

Emma sniffed but smiled cutely as Regina's adorably worried face popped out from behind their bedroom door.

"Shouldn't run up the stairs," she chastised jokingly, chuckling because Regina was always getting on to her and Henry about the same thing. "You shouldn't be home from work for hours," Emma said, "Why are you here?"'

"I came home early when you didn't show up to the privy council meeting."

"... You mean the board meeting?" 

Regina's eyelashes fluttered as she rolled her eyes and slowly walked into the room.

She observed the dirty tissues piled up and spilling out of the trash bin, the sheets strewn all over the bed, and her wife's sweaty forehead and pale face.

"Oh, baby," Regina said, frowning, "You're sick. Why didn't you tell me?"

Emma sniffled and flopped down onto the bed on her back. "You had already left for work by the time I woke up, I guess, and I didn't know where you were.  I knew the meeting was important so I didn't want to call or inter-"

"You wouldn't have bothered me, sweetheart."

Regina slipped off her shoes and stripped off her socks and pants, unbuttoning her white collared shirt to make it more comfortable. She shuffled over to the bed and crawled in next to Emma, wrapping her arms and legs around the younger woman in a koala hold.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to take are of you," Regina said. Emma coughed. "You probably shouldn't be touching me... Or near me." "I don't care," Regina said, "I've missed you... Can I get you anything to help you feel better?"

"You make me feel better," Emma said sweetly, entangling their hands together, "... But also some soup would be nice."

Regina smiled and kissed her on the cheek.  "And some animal crackers?" Regina asked, snuggling into the crook of her neck.  "Yes please," Emma said.  Regina chuckled and separated herself from her wife.  "You're cute," she said.

"Am not," Emma argued, "I'm dark and brooding.  I was the Dark One once, I'm fucking dangerous."  Emma sneezed.

"Uhuh," Regina answered, smiling.  "I'll be back in a few minutes."

.   .   .

When Regina returned with a tray of soup, water, and animal crackers, the television was on and Emma was looking really concentratedly at the remote control, which was a few feet in front of the bed and out of Emma's reach.  Regina cleared her throat and Emma jumped.

"Oh, sorry," the younger woman said, "I was, uh...  Practicing my magic.  I was trying to press the buttons with my mind."

"Huh," Regina said, "And did it work?"

Emma frowned.  "No."

Regina handed Emma the tray and sat beside her, covering her wife's shoulders in a blanket.  "Watch a movie with me?  I was thinking we could have a Har-"

"-Ry Potter Marathon," Regina finished for her, rolling her eyes, "Of course."

She put in the first movie and they watched it together, with Emma interrupting the perfect peace every few moments with a gargantuan sneeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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