Chapter 3: Bringing People Together

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As my dad drove us to where Lex will be having his party, I couldn't help but think why. "Dad?"

He glanced over at me. "Yeah peanut?"

"I thought you hated Lex."

He sighed. "I do."

"Then why are we going to his party?"

He stayed silent for a moment. "Just need to be sure of something."

I stared at him with a slight frown. Something was up, but I didn't question any further. I had a feeling he didn't want to tall about it. Instead, I went back to staring put the window.

After a few more minites, we finally arrived at Lex's party. Paparazzi started to take pictures as we got out. I always got anxiety whenever they took pictures. All of the flashing and questions just made me feel, I don't know, panicked I guess.

Dad looked over at me with concern written on his face. He knew of my anxiety. One time he got into a fight with a photographer because he wouldn't leave me alone and I had a panic attack.

I just smiled to reassure him and then turned to smile for the cameras.

After a moment, dad and I walked inside to join the party. I looked around. There many people that I recognized. Big business owners, celebrities, you name it. I honesty didn't like being at these type of parties. Everyone is so... classy. I just wish that there was someone I could actually talk to here.

"So, it gives me the great pleasure to present, Mr. Lex Luther."

Dad and I turned as everyone started clapping when Lex stepped up to the microphone. I sighed and crossed my arms. I didn't particularly like Lex. He was a douchebag.

Lex then started his speech, a speech I didn't really pay attention to. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up at my dad.

"I'll be right back." He said.

I tilted my head. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." Then he walked off.

I shrugged and turned back to Lex, who was stuttering and not making any sense at all. I breathed a sigh of relief when his speech ended and everyone went back to the party.

I rubbed my arm self-consciously. I tend to be a bit antisocial when around people I don't really know.


I turned around and smiled when I saw Clark Kent walking towards me with a smile as well.

"Hey." I said. "What are you doing here?"

He held up his press badge. "My job. What about you?"

"I was invited with my dad."

He nodded. "I'm guessing that your dad is Bruce Wayne, right?"

I nodded. "That he is."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "When we first met, I didn't know who you were. Sorry."

I waved it off. "Don't worry about that. It was nice to meet someone that didn't get all crazy when they knew who I was."

Clark chuckled. "Good. Hey um," He fixed his glasses. "Is it alright if I ask you some questions?"

I found it cute that he was nervous. I smiled and nodded. "Ask away."

He smiled. "Alright, so, Ms. Wayne." I chuckled when he said that. "You and you father are currently holding first place in the nation's most efficient company. How do you feel about that?"

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