Chapter Three: What Are We Gonna Do?

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Olivia slept in the hospital bed for the next two days. Elliot never left her side. She had visitors; all of them were people she met while she was gone, so Elliot felt lost.

"Why don't you go get something to eat? You don't have to sit and watch me the whole time." Olivia said presently.

"Are you hungry?" He asked simply.

"Well, no." she replied, her answer equally simple.

"Then I'm fine here." He didn't want to leave her side. He felt compelled to watch over her now that she was back in his life.

They both knew there was a huge elephant in the room, but neither of them dared to bring it up.
Olivia urged Elliot to get some rest in his own bed. Eventually he reluctantly obliged and left to head back to his home.
At the door he was greeted by a giddy and excited Sparky. After feeding the dog and cleaning up a little, he was exhausted and went to his bedroom. He never went to bed without thinking about Olivia. Sometimes that was the reason he didn't sleep at all. The worst part of it was that he knew if she were here, in his bed, he could sleep peacefully. 'One day...' He thought.
"Miss Benson?"


"Would you like to know a little about your baby and it's health?" the nurse questioned as she walked into the room.

"Um, yes. Of course." Olivia replied sleepily.

"Well I think some belated congratulations are in order. You're four months pregnant so we caught you right at the end of your first trimester." she paused. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you not notice the symptoms?"

"I just thought I was sick and gaining weight. I guess I didn't think it was a possibility for me."

"Okay. I'll bet you're tired, so I will let you sleep. You should be discharged tomorrow, so take care of yourself." The nurse left the room, and Olivia immediately immersed herself in her thoughts.
Four months ago she could have been hooking up with anyone. As she thought longer, one person stood out to her. He was a bartender she happened to be fond of. His name was Michael, but she didn't know if the relationship would last, therefore, she had never pursued it. Michael was one of the few contacts she never deleted. Olivia knew she didn't have to tell him, but the cop inside her told her that she did have to let him know in case he wanted to be involved. But what if he wasn't even the father? She fell asleep thinking of Michael.
The Next Morning
A new nurse checked up on Olivia this morning. "It says here that your mother passed recently and your father is not alive either. You have a half-brother, but no one else. Where's the father?" Olivia could not believe what she was hearing. This woman was delving into her her private life and it was making Liv uncomfortable. She was about to insist on getting some more rest when the nurse spoke again.

"You don't know do you? Well, the man that was here last night is back. He came in at seven, but you weren't awake yet so I told him to wait outside."

"Why didn't he come in here?" Liv asked, puzzled.

"Miss Benson, you need all the rest you can get." She looked disappointedly at Olivia. "I hate to discharge you today when you have no one to help you out with this child. I want you to know: we may have to put the baby into foster care after birth. Its a very likely possibility with your lack of familial support, past drug abuse and your income."

"Um, I didn't know they could do that." She managed to speak.

"Well they can and will. I'm sorry, Olivia." The nurse started to leave and Liv stopped her.

"Wait! What if I have someone, but they're not family? What if I get a good job and move into a bigger apartment?" Nurse Trudy turned around.

"How do you expect to get a job when your four months pregnant? You shouldn't even be working if you'd already had a job."

"That's for me to figure out. Just, please, don't take my baby from me." With that, tears stained Olivia's cheeks. She wouldn't let anyone take away her child. No matter how hard she had to work to make things right with her life.

"We will see. For now, you have paperwork to do so you can be discharged. Shall I send him in?"

"Oh. Yes, of course." Nurse Trudy handed her the clipboard and a pen before walking out into the waiting room.

The nurse tapped Elliot's shoulder.
"Olivia will see you now."

Elliot thanked the woman then headed toward Liv's room.
He opened the door to see her sitting there filling out papers. She didn't notice him, so he stood near the doorway and watched. Her bangs would get in the way and she'd blow them away or gently brush them aside on her forehead. When she stopped writing, Olivia would move the pen toward her lips and bite the end. It was sexy to say the least. Elliot though about how badly he wanted to kiss her, not just her lips but every inch of her body. He closed the door, making sure she heard him.

"What's got you grumpy this morning? Slamming doors already? It's only nine-thirty." Olivia teased.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to slam the door. And you're the one sitting here frowning. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I think I missed you." She replied.

"You think? Well, I know I miss you. Always do." Elliot held her free hand in his as she wrote on the papers. When she was done, she looked over to him and spoke quietly.

"Come here." She pulled him toward her bed and, when he was close enough, kissed him passionately. Before long, the nurse knocked on the door and Olivia broke the kiss to tell the woman to come in. Elliot move the back to his original spot in his chair.

"I just came to check on the paperwork. Are you finished?"

"Yes. Everything should be filled out." Liv handed her the clipboard. The nurse looked over all the sheets and nodded her head.

"You're free to go Miss Benson. Just let me take out your IV and we will officially sign you out." She gave her a warm smile.

When she finished her signature, Olivia thanked the woman and looked at Elliot.
"Can you take me home?"

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