Chapter 2

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I woke up in my bed, covered in sweat. My chest rose up and down unsteadily as my eyes darted around my bedroom. My eyebrows furrowed into a frown, I couldn’t fathom how I had gotten here since the last thing I could remember was that I was shoved by an anonymous guy in a taxi cab.

How could he know where I lived if he does not know me?

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, my head was pounding due to last night’s activities. My vision was blurry and my back was stiff. Both my arms were killing me. I twisted my arm looking at the ugly injury; the wound was surrounded by blue bruises and dry blood. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair as I slowly moved myself out of bed hearing my back crack.

I shuffled to the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I slowly started to take off my dress which I had on since yesterday. After being fully undressed I looked at the mirror, taking in my features.

I had numerous scratches and bruises up and down my legs, my fingers traced a bruise that was starting to develop on my stomach.  My skin was pale, and I looked as though I hadn’t slept for a long time. I got into the shower and slowly slid down the wall, holding my head in my hands.

I cried silently, pulling my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth. Droplets of water cascaded on me as memories of yesterday flood through my mind.

I remembered him running after me trying to catch up to me, I remembered feeling as if I was trapped in a horror movie; no way to get out. I remembered a man in a black hood saving me, before that horrid guy could steal my innocence.

I couldn’t recognize who he was since his hood was covering his whole face, but I could make out the curls intruding out of his black hood.

I scrubbed my body clean, trying to get rid of the feeling of his dirty hands on me.  No matter how hard I scoured my body I could still sense his foul hands on my skin.

I picked up my coconut shampoo and poured a small amount on my hair. After I finished massaging my scalp, I snatched a large towel from the metal rail and wrapped it around my petite figure securing it under my arms.

I scurried to my bed room not wanting anyone to notice my bruises. I quickly shut my door and walked towards my wardrobe, I weakly grabbed the wardrobe’s handle as I sighed tiredly and opened it.

 I scanned my neat wardrobe going through my oversized sweaters trying to decide which one I should wear. I snatched a grey oversized ‘Obey’ sweater and opened one of the small drawers that were at the end of the wardrobe. Even though it was the beginning of July and the weather was humid I still wore sweaters, I wasn’t like every girl who would follow all those fashion trends, I was always original and would just wear whatever I liked.

I was the type of girl who wore sweaters all the time no matter what the temperature was. I was the type who would drink hot chocolate in the summer and eat ice-cream in the winter.

I slowly and exhaustedly bent down grabbing my first aid kit that was placed in the corner at the bottom end of my wardrobe; I never actually thought it would come in handy because I barely used it.

Slowly walking to my vanity table I placed down the first aid kit on it, opening the tin box taking the disinfectant spray out of the box and spraying it over the dried, ugly wound gritting my teeth trying to ignore the burning feeling, I grabbed a large band aid and placed it on top of my sore and achy shoulder.

 I made my way back to the bed loosening the towel letting it quickly drop onto the floor, I stepped out of it and gently sat down to dress myself as the soles of my feet were killing me and I could no longer stand.

It felt as if I just ran a marathon or as if I climbed a mountain. The pain was throbbing and it would even get worse the more I thought of it. I was finally fully dressed; I quickly slid on my black vans shoes and tied the shoe laces. I walked to the mirror, thinking about the bruises that were covering my body hoping that none of them were showing and that my outfit has covered all the damages that were made to my sensitive body but unfortunately there was a dark purplish blue love bite on my neck.

 I pulled all of my black long hair to the side in attempt of trying to cover the love bite up. I grabbed my back pack that held my pencils and my sketchpad, drawing was a way of expressing my feelings; something I’m not actually good at, maybe it was because I wasn’t always comfortable around people.

I made my way down the stairs hearing my mother yelling at my brother. I seriously don’t get what’s wrong with putting your feet on top of the coffee table!

“Morning mom!” I said in a fake happy voice.

“Good Morning honey! Did you have fun yesterday?” She asked chopping up the potato. Her voice was cheerful and full curiosity.

I hesitated for a short moment; I had to lie even though I despised lying but I had to, I couldn’t tell her that I almost got raped and that I could’ve lost my innocence if it wasn’t for a guy I didn’t even know.

 I could not tell her that I was tucked into my bed by a stranger who opened the door with my keys and I know that because I found my keys on my nightstand.

‘’Yes. Yes I did!” I said faking my glory as I licked my dry lips making them wetter and pasted a fake smile on my face.

“Come on June you can’t possibly still be mad at me?” I turned around to face my asshole brother Adam. I had every right to mad at him he fucking ripped my favorite sketch that had taken me a couple of weeks to draw, and the worst thing he knew how much I valued that sketch.  How could I not be mad at him he didn’t even bother trying to apologize? 

“Shut the fuck up Adam!”  My eyes widened, I cannot believe that I swore in front of my mother but I was still pissed at him and I was so tempted to breakdown in front of them. I needed to get out of that house as fast as I can. I desired to go to the park; somewhere I could breathe and cry without anyone bothering me.

I turned around to face my furious mother; her face was red as a tomato, and she was shooting me one of her angry glares. Before I could apologize she started yelling at me.

“Watch your language young lady! I will not tolerate foul language in my house do you understand! And come here is that a love bite I see on your neck!” At this point she was furious and I was breaking at apart as I remembered that ugly man’s face as he attacked me.

“Wow! Good girl gone bad!” My brother’s tone was mocking and full of amusement.

“I’m out of here!” I said in a low voice.

 The tears streamed down my face each one burning me more than the other. It wasn’t my fault I had these bruises on me.

I sat under a big, old oak tree at the park sketching my feelings, I raised my head and looked at my surroundings. What caught my attention was someone with the same black hood with the same hazel brown curls loosely hanging out of it, I closed my eyes in disbelief and reopened them again. My eyebrows furrowed into a frown when I couldn’t find him anywhere.


*Author's Note*

Hey you guys we just want to say thank you so much for everyone who has voted for this story thank you so much! Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter! If you like it please VOTE! Let us know your thoughts, love you guys.xx

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