Chapter 6

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I woke up at dawn. The sky was slowly lighting up, I must have fallen asleep while I was watching “Despicable Me” last evening. I sat up straight and lifted my hands above my head stretching hard enough to hear my spine crack. I looked around my room as if I was a stranger entering the room for the first time, I scanned the floor for my slippers but they were out of my sight so I just made my way down to the kitchen barefoot, I didn’t even bother to wash my face I just wanted to make some hot chocolate and watch the sunrise and listen to some music quietly.

My brother was standing in the kitchen; he was leaning on the marble counter sipping on some coffee and his eyes on a book in front of him.  I ignored him and pretended as if he wasn’t standing there, I walked to the wooden cabinet that my mum stocks in the coco powder and all the other sweet snacks and made my hot drink quietly in the awkward and cold silence.

He sighed loudly as I walked away trying to escape the silence, but before I could slip away and escape I heard him quietly say “I'm sorry” I turned my head around to face him, his green eyes were swollen and red, and he looked as if he hasn’t slept yet, his blond dyed hair was messy and sticking out in all directions. I nodded quietly in assurance that I'm not still mad at him and whispered “are you okay?” 

''Yeah I'm fine, just sleepy! Want to talk outside?”


We went outside to the front porch and sat on the wooden deck chairs quietly and watched the sun rise. The weather was humid with a slight fog filling the atmosphere. The wooden ground was misty and wet so were the deck chairs. No words were spoken till the sun was completely up, but it wasn’t an awkward silence it was a comfortable and warm silence and it felt good just knowing that were no longer fighting.

“So, you went out yesterday?” he looked at me with a warm smile. He looked very interested to know what had happened to me in the past month. We weren’t used to not talking for so long; this was the longest we went without talking.

“Yeah, it was alright, Eleanor set me up on a double date with a guy called Harry he’s a swell guy but um…I'm kind of seeing someone else so-”

“If by someone else you mean Josh, then you can do better.” He said, cutting me off.

'’He isn’t a bad guy.’’ I rolled my eyes, bringing the mug to my lips and taking a sip of the hot liquid. I didn't understand why everyone assumed that he wasn't a good person, he is really sweet once you get to know him.

‘’I know, it’s just you deserve better.’’ He said, bobbing his shoulders. It became silent before I stood up and returned to the living room to watch TV, leaving him all alone.

Watching TV was something that I loved doing. Lounging out on the couch in front of the giant glowing screen, watching TV shows where people did things that could only be described as utterly stupid—what was better than that?

But, like many other things, my parents found it as something that wasted time that could be spent bettering my intelligence. So, since high school was over I was going to watch as much TV as I wanted for as long as I wanted. Which as of right now included some random sitcom, filled with mindless characters that did not seem to think out anything they did?

‘’June,’’ my mum’s voice came drifting into the living room, slight disgust in her voice as the clicking of her wedges on the hardwood flooring sounded. ‘’Do you really have to watch something so juvenile? Why not The Untold Stories of ER? You and dad love that show.’’

I grimaced at the television screen. My dad loved that show, being a surgeon, he adored it. He could watch it for hours, trying to come up with the medical answer before it was revealed. Both of my parents thought that because I had sat down and watched that show with my dad that meant I wanted to be a doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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