Chapter 5

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I stared at my now empty plate. The chocolate waffles were heavenly; the velvety, smooth taste of the nutella’s chocolaty- hazelnut flavor lingered my mouth and filled my stomach with happiness, every bite was pure heaven.

My eyes traveled from the plate to Harry. I watched as he dabbed his plump pink lips with the white napkin. As soon as he met my gaze he stared at me for a second and smiled widely.

"What?’’ I asked giving him a confused look.

“Nothing just-…” He smirked as he leaned in and wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb. "You had something there."

My eyes slightly widened and I blushed deep scarlet. I knew at that moment that I felt something for him, I knew that I shouldn't because I don't know him and this is the first time that we've meet.

He leaned back into his seat and smirked at me as I watched his emerald green eyes sparkle.

“I'm going to the restroom. Eleanor do you want to come?” I asked shooting her a glare.

“No, I'm fi-"” she started but I cut her off by grabbing her arm and pulling her out of her chair before dragging her to the bathroom.

I swung the bathroom door open and turned around to face Eleanor who was standing behind me.

I looked at her furiously, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

“What did I do?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowed together in a frown.

“You know I'm seeing someone, so why would you set me up with Harry?" I questioned, glaring at her.

“So you don't like Harry?" Eleanor asked, raising an eyebrow. "No, I don't like him! I like Josh."  That was partly true.

“Well I don’t like him and you shouldn't too! Come on June. Harry is perfect for you he is very sweet once you get to know him! You didn’t even give him a chance for god’s sake! And Josh isn’t right for you!” Eleanor told me.

At this point I was irritated by Eleanor’s behavior I have no idea why she was desperately fighting on Harry’s side.

“Well it seems you have poor judgment!“ I said crossing my arms across my chest whilst raising my eyebrows.

“Fine! Do whatever you want! I have to leave anyways my mum just texted me my grandma just came!”  She said as she came close to me and gave me a goodbye hug.

''Bye El” I said waving my hand as she turned around and pushed the door open.

“I’ll call you tonight!” She said closing the door behind her. I turned around and walked towards the mirror and let out a deep breath.

I stared at myself to check if everything was okay. When I was sure of it, I returned back to Harry.

“Hey, you okay?” Harry asked as I slide into the booth and nodded my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him.

"C'mon lets go." He stood up, his chair scooting back screeching on the floor.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'm going to send you home." He said as we walked towards his car.

Opening the door for me, I thanked him and sat in the passenger. Watching him through the mirror, he appeared on the driver’s side and started the car with ease.

His car immediately blasted music causing me to jump in my seat. Flicking the song off, he laughed at how startled I was.

"Relax babe, it's just music," He smirked.  His eyes traveled down my body as he searched for the one thing he was looking for. My phone. "Give me your phone love." He said.


"Just give it to me." He ordered.

"Fine." I mumbled, handing him my phone. He shoved it into his pocket.

"Good, now where should I take you?"

"Take me?" I stuttered. Staring at me as if his statement said it all, he nodded.

I gave him my address, and he bobbed his head and didn't ask anything more.

The rest of the car ride was silent, and from time to time I would look over to the mysterious boy.

"Having fun there?" He smirked, stopping the car.

"What-No," I rambled. "I just-"

"Its fine, love. Maybe you should go yeah?" He smiled nodding towards my house. "I think it's past your bedtime."

"Screw you," I scoffed, unbuckling my seat belt and hopped out of his car. "May I have my phone back now?"

Pulling my phone out of his pocket, he smirked and unlocked it. Because of the door separating us I had no idea what he was looking at, but I watched anyways. Typing away he locked it once more and handed it to me.

"There you go."

Nodding, I turned around but stopped in my tracks. "Thanks for the ride." I mumbled.

"No problem," He said the corners of his mouth tugged up in a smile. ‘’I’ll call you later.’’

“You don’t have my-‘’ Images of him typing into my phone a minute ago fluttered through my head and it was now beginning to make sense.

‘’I’ll see you later then.’’ He grinned and sped off into the distance.

I made my way towards the front door where the spare key was hidden underneath the mat outside the door.

I grabbed it and slipped inside, trying my best to close the door quietly enough so that my parents wouldn't hear and question me about the night I had just gone through.


*Author's note*

Sorry it took so long getting this update up! We were both really busy. But anyways thank you for the all the positive response we've gotten so far keep it coming! Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Guardian Angel (Harry Styles AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora