three - avenge and attack

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Evette landed unsteadily on her worn booted feet after being thrown out of the glimmering amber portal.
Tessa landed softly beside her and enveloped her into a warm embrace.
Evie looked up over Tessa's short brown hair and at the place she had called home all these years.
Over grown teal glazes lead into deeper forests and a gnarled apple tree stood on the verge of our countryside get away. Thorned roses, pale lilies and soft jasmines brandished in the soft breeze. The house was large with glass windows, painted white bricks and a large brown roof. They kept no pets because Evie was allergic and as much as Tessie loved cats she was forced to make the sacrifice.
A memory flashed into her mind.

A small girl with tumbling black waves skipped across the soft grass - singing sweetly - her purple glitter bikini, reflecting the light.
Sitting in a beach chair - reading a book contently was Tessa, her gray eyes shining with happiness, her brown hair sheared down to her ears and her hands igniting amber and playing the piano to Evie's singing.

Evette smiled - those were the days, when there was nothing to worry about; no questions to answer.

Tessa ran ahead into the old house followed by a less eager Evette.
They both stopped dead at the petrifying sight before them.
The parlour was filled with faeries. Tessa was stupid not to think the Queen would not get her way in the end.
They leered with a sense of hilarity - their teeth reflecting the moonlight.
In a sickeningly perfect unison they raised their lustrous swords and Meliorn - without giving her a glance - shouted with amusement tinting his voice,"Avenge!".
Tessa blinked wildly at there rapidly moving figures then pushed her bodily up the creaking stairs.
They entered her aqua blue room and Tessa locked the door before she flung the cupboard there to hold them back.
She whiped away the line of perspiration from her forehead then whispered lowly: "Evette Lostburn, take this bag - we must flee our home."
Evie stared at her determined figure.
"I can't - not without you!", she exclaimed finally.
"Keep your voice down! They'll hear you", she hissed - handing her a beautiful jade pendant,"Keep this safe and give it to me when were meet again."
"But -".
"I'll go to the Spiral Labyrinth - there is a great darkness coming and I want you and I to escape it - the warlock's home will be safer than here, my dear."
She began to form a portal and shouted over the noise of the faerie knights - "Think of an institute, not the one in England - they'll find you too easily - and remember this.
Don't desease your fate,
You shall only anger the great.
Don't desease your fate,
You shall only hasten your death date."

Without time to reply, she was pushed into the swirling portal - the pendant clutched tightly in her hand, drawing blood, and the bag in her other hand, clothes spilling out unnoticed.

Sorry, really short chapter!
I wonder where Evette went?
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