Regions of Saleen - Ch. 4 - Part 1

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 <A map of the area and a symbol chart are in progress so look forward to that appearing in the next few chapters, also Jamie's name has been changed to Illias to fit the story better, this change has been made in all existing chapters and will be in future ones>

The orb flew over the piles of bones effortlessly at a pace to which Illias and I had to run to keep up with. The corridor of that we ran seemed endless as if it were to go on for miles. Darkness closed in around us, only the orb's glow kept us from being swallowed whole. The orb bounced along and turned a corner, to which we followed in pursuit only to find it had gone, a dark abyss ahead of us, we were on our own.

    Illias found my hand in the darkness and started walking at a brisk pace, panting from running so long after the orb. The dark infront of us felt surreal, I could not see Illias or even my hand in front of my own face. All sense of direction and orientation were stolen from me, my eyes strained in vain to see ahead as we continued.

    Out of the void, a pillar of sorts came into view, lit by a small torch. As we approached it, we saw the bones that had covered the floor part, making a clearing around the pillar. Upon closer inspection I noticed there was  a gold filled ring the wrapped around the top of the pillar, reflecting the torches light. In front of this gold ring, stone carvings were held up by sticks in the ground. The carvings blocked the reflecting light as to cast shadows into the area around us. 

    The shadows overlapped to form a symbol on a large rust colored stone on the far wall. It was a hand, enclosed by a triangle, with a teardrop shape on the palm. I looked at Illias to see his face had gone very steady and serious.

 "I know the reason for the bones now," he said, "That is the symbol for blood...those bones must of been from people who were sacrificed here."

" What does it do? What were they sacrificed for?" I asked.

     He looked at me with one eyebrow raised, an attempt to lighten the mood, "Only one way to find out." He grabbed a jagged stone off the ground and pressed it into his hand. He then walked up and put his injured hand to the stone, leaving behind a crimson handprint. I walked up to stand next to him and we waited for what felt like an endless stretch of time until I heard him take a sharp breath.

    The symbol had gone from a mere shadow to a hollow impression in the stone. The rocks around us began to rattle and slide on the floor, and a soft vibration could be felt underfoot. The stone began to crack and a blinding light flooded into the corridor. Once my eyes had adjusted and I had my vision back, I saw lush green before me.

   Illias looked back and smiled, his relief evident in his face. He walked through the path made by the stone without hesitation. I followed behind him out into the new area. A warmth similar to that of a fire's cast down upon me and a wind flew past, rustling the loose leaves and grass that were near us. I was in awe as I gazed at my surroundings. All the thing I had heard from the other prisoners and guards were true. Green covered the land and sounds from unknown places crowded me. All my senses were on fire as I took in all that was around. I heard a chuckle beside me, as I turned my head I saw Illias laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"You act as if you've never seen grass before, like a small child. Your eyes got so big and I swear you jaw must've dropped," He said, starting to regain his composure.

"I haven't, not that I can recall at least, I have been underground my whole life you know?" I cringed when I realized how defensively I had responded.

"Well, you can look later because we're not safe yet," He started for the forest in the distance and motioned for me to follow. 

We had just made it into the trees when Illias stopped and crouched down behind the low growing foliage, I did so too, waiting for an explaination. He pointed out past the trees to a large house on a hill that was covered in stained glass windows.

"The men that took me were from the church over there, so the ones after us will probably come from there too."

"You mean to say that I've been living under there my whole life? And what are we going to do now? I didn't think this far ahead."

"Most likely. Anyway, as for our plan, I suggest we go to the village first, get some food and then head out to the swamp in the east side near Bemueth Deffido, a village where I know of someone who can help us."

 With these words my reality slowly sank into my consciousness, we had become outcasts, outlaws with no place to go. The world fighting against us because of a crime we didn't want to commit, our only salvation now, the kindness that glowed in few, and had been stomped out in many.

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