Regions of Saleen - Ch. 4 - Part 2

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   <Authors note: To better fit the theme of the story, Jamie's name has been changed to Illias. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, but I feel it'll make the story more enjoyable in the long run.>

Hiding behind the tree line, a layer of thick underbrush covering us, we saw it. The smell of our sweat hung heavy in the air as we tried to still ourselves; we would not let ourselves be found. It had become night already, the church of which we had run from had been swallowed by the darkness. We had thought we were safe, but there it was. A group of twinkling lights in the distance resembling low hanging stars.

   Illias had spotted them first, told me with panic in his voice. The lights drew near and we knew we had to run. Deeper into the patch of trees, deeper into the danger. The men pursuing us must've heard for their yells could be heard behind us. Twigs and fallen branched snapped underfoot as we ran.

   My skirt got caught on all the horned plants that surrounded us. I wanted to yell out to Illias to stop but that would've given away our position so I yanked on the fabric as hard as I could and managed to free myself.

  I looked up to see I was alone. Illias was nowhere to be found and yet I could hear the men chasing us becoming closer and closer to me. I would be caught. Illias would not come back. I'd seen him do it before, once something dangerous happens he shuts down, his confidence is just a mask, he would leave for fear of putting his own safety at risk. My mind turned on me, shutting off everything and smothering me with regret. I stood there, waiting for them to catch up, waiting for my punishment.

  A twig snapped loudly in the distance and I was pulled out of my thoughts. Adrenaline rushed into my system and in that moment something  inside me changed. No matter what happened I would not let myself get caught. I started to run.

Regions of SaleenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz