Regions of Saleen - Ch. 4 - Part 3

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<To update more often, the parts will become smaller because that way I can post as I come up with more story line without having to wait for it to pile up into enough for  full part>

I looked around frantically as I ran, the area around me had become quite bare, trees sprinkled the thick grass. Moonlight filtered through the trees, casting beams of light onto the grass. Illias was still gone and there was nowhere to hide. I flew over the mass of roots and foliage as I attempted to out run my pursuer.

A glimpse of light caught my eye and made me pause. It was a large pond with the moonlight shining on the surface. Trees that sprouted from the water's edge hung over the pond, casting a shadow, accentuating the murky look of the water. Under the tree's shadow, there was a section covered in a green film.

I ran down the slight hill and dove into the murky waters. I paddled over to the green patch and waited for my pursuer to come closer so I could hide under the cover until they passed. As I treaded in the water I could feel the pond's fish rub against my legs, giving me chills. The vines that floated up from the bottom seemed as if they were grabbing at my ankles, almost threatening to pull me under. The air around me felt thick and suffocating.

Suddenly I felt very light headed and weak. I was being to drift off into thought when a shadowy figure burst out from the tree line. The figure moved closer to the water's edge and with the help of the moonlight I realized the figure was Illias. He had a look of relief hat soon turned into pure horror as he started to swim over to me.The light headed feeling was becoming worse, I giggled to myself as I felt the slimy vines grab at me. Illias  splashed around in the water, desperately trying to reach me. He was saying something but his words were muffled and my vision was becoming blurry. All I could see was the moon, rippling like a reflection on a water's surface. The stars above me started to vanish and soon the moon too sank into the abyss above me and everything went dark. Only Illias' muffled yells could be heard.

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