Chapter six, Dancing with a Detective

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Sorry it took so long! Happy Halloween!


October 9th, 12:18pm.

   The day of our next heist went by quickly and uneventfully. After waking up and getting dressed, I made my way to Quinn’s workroom. Quinn’s workroom was actually a giant lab that completely made up the 6th floor. I climbed the stairs two at a time. The elevator didn’t service the upper floors of the apartment building, unfortunately, so we had to use the stairs in the remaining 5 floors that made up our living space.

   The building was designed with the elevator shaft in the middle and a winding stair case that surrounded it. I thought the stair case was cool at first, that is, until figured out how many times I’d have to climb the thing. It’s nice though, having this much space.

   The 6th floor was used as a test area for some of Quinn’s ‘bigger’ experiments, like when she thought it would be a good idea to give me pellet bombs; tiny bombs the size of a prescription pill. She claimed they were stable and wouldn’t go off until I threw one and it hit something, but I wasn’t so sure. Needless to say, by the end of the day the room was rather charred… and so was the mannequin that was posing as me.

   Don’t get me wrong, Quinn’s inventions are amazing and almost always work. But when they don’t, well, the results can be disastrous. I guess that kind of comes with the territory though, being in an ‘industry’ as dangerous as ours. I digress, back to the apartment. The 7th floor was a workout/ training room. Jake and I have to keep in shaped, you know, faster than the beast chasing you? We had several different exercise machines around the room and a huge foam mat in the center for sparring.

   The 8th floor was nothing special, just storage. There are a few cool things up there, things we stole and never sold; like a statue of a woman filling a water jug, and some really old paintings. There’s also some old furniture that came with the building. 

   Upon reaching the 6th floor, the sound of classical music came blasting into my ears. The sound only grew louder as I entered the wide open space. Quinn’s lab was truly a sight to behold. Enormous super computers took up entire walls, lights flashing and words running a crossed the screen as it analyzed something. Counter tops were over flowing with papers and various failed inventions that were acting as strange paperweights. Several tables were set up by the computers. Two of them had things like; test tubes and beakers filled with bright liquid, each one a different color. An occasional Bunsen burner was found under some of the beakers. Another table had my equipment on it; my theft suit, my grappling belt, and my mask.

   I walked up to the table and examined my theft suit. It was basically shredded, but it looked like Quinn was able to get the blood out of it. The volume of the classical music decreased suddenly, until it was only a faint whisper.

   “Oh hey.” Quinn stood next to me.

   “Hey.” I moved my fingers through the large holes. The realization had finally hit me. That was a very close call.

   “Are you okay?” Quinn placed her hand on my shoulder, breaking my momentary space out.

   “Oh, huh? Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.”

   “Okay. Well don’t worry about that old thing,” She took the torn fabric and tossed in a garbage bin. “I have a new theft suit for you, and it’s improved!” Quinn giggled excitedly. She began pulling me towards another corner of the room. Here, an L shaped work area was set up with a sewing machine and different colored fabrics spread out.

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