If anyone is listening.

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I have been gone a while. 5 years to be exact. I have a good reason.Well, it's more tragic than good but maybe I'll talk about that later. Anyway, it's been so long, that I'm not sure if any of you are still listening, or if any of you still care about this story...
The problem is, I know exactly how I wanted the story to go. I had each chapter planned out, and the ending was already set in my mind. But something has happened to me and it is effecting my ability to write. I have the ideas, I just can't put them on paper. Maybe I'll go into more detail one day about exactly what's wrong with me and what happened (after all I'm not even sure if anyone is gonna read this), but the question for today is: would someone like to know the ending of this story? I'm thinking about getting help with just getting it down on paper, then I can do the editing. Or, I'm also thinking about rewriting it to make it more adult. Not to and extreame degree, just a little more mature. What do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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