Chapter Three, Blood

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   Sorry It's been soooo long since I've uploaded. I've been busy because I found out I'm moving. Anyway I hope you like Chapter Three!! :)  

~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~{ Chapter Three, Blood }~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~}{~

   I awoke from my dreamless sleep, back aching and head pounding. I was still lying face down on the living room couch. The TV was on in front of me and I was aware of someone else in the room. I grumbled and reluctantly sat up.

   "Morning, Rika, how are you feeling?" Quinn got up off the other couch and sat next to me.

   "What time is it?" I asked squinting against the glare of the TV, the only thing lighting the room.

   "About 2:30pm," She said as she put a hand up to feel my forehead. "I made sure Aaron got off to school okay."

   "I guess I'll have to pick him up." I said, brushing her hand aside.

   "But you're hurt, I'll do it."

   "No you can't, Casey doesn't know you, remember?" I referred to the girl I pretended to be half the time.

   "But you shouldn't get-"

   "No more 'buts'. I interrupted her and stood up without hesitation.

   "up..." Quinn finished.

   I smiled at her, "I'm fine Quinn."

   "Breaking news. And the Fire thief strikes again." A news report sounded on the TV. I turned to it and smirked.

   "At 1am last night, the museum's rare Catherin's diamond was stolen by the infamous Fire Thief."

   "Hear that Quinn, I'm 'infamous.'" I laughed.

   The news women stood outside the museum, her auburn hair blowing in the wind. She looked tired, as if she'd been up all night, and she navy blue suit was wrinkled slightly. Then a picture of the diamond appeared next to her head.

   "The diamond was originally given the wife of the first Mayor of this city, James Louis of Luminous. The Fire Thief," a fuzzy picture of me in my theft suit and black silk mask appeared next to the reporter. My back was facing the camera and my face looking over my shoulder. My hair was bright and shiny, it almost look like it WAS on fire. "snuck into the museum via the air ventilation shafts and stole the diamond. The police have not released much information about what happened, therefore it is not clear how the guards were alerted, but it is known how the Fire Thief escaped. One of our cameras managed to get this footage of her escape." A video took over the entire screen, the museum stood out from the dark starry sky of the previous night. The top of the building illuminated, I saw a figure standing on the edge of the building. The camera must have been in a helicopter, because I was looking at the figure from above. Her long scarlet hair was flowing in the wind, smirk clearly visible on her face. I looked at the police chief, his lips moved, but the words were lost in the great thunder of the helicopters wings. The girl's body tensed, then she did something nobody expected, she- I- jumped.

    Before I could see what happened next-as if I hadn't lived it- the TV shut off.

   "You're going to be late." Quinn said.

   "You never let me have my fun." I huffed and stormed off to get ready.

    After taking an extremely painful shower, Quinn re-bandaged my wounds. The fluffy white gauze wrapped around me like a tube top. I could see bruises that peeped out from under the bandages that were painful to the touch. I quickly dressed in my dinner uniform; a light blue skirt that went just past my knees and a plain pink blouse. Aaron and I would head to the dinner so I could start my shift, consider it my day job. The owner, Al, is a huge dealer in all things stolen or illegal. When I need info on what the police are doing or when I'm selling something I stole he's the man I see. I've know Al for a few years, he's a good friend, but not the kind of guy you trust with your life. He'll do anything to make a quick buck.

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