Chapter 10

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HI to you all!  Yes I am feeling better but not at 100 % yet.  So here is chapter 10 I hope you like it.

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 “Bri I love you and the boys so much. You will take care of them if something happens to me right?”

“Babe you'll be fine I know you will. I love you and I will see you when you wake up.” He said to me and kissed me with everything he had in him. I know he loves me more than his own life. That was the last time I saw him. My love, my life, the man of my dreams.

I was currently being given medication to knock me out for surgery. I was really angry still from the prep this morning. Bri says I still look beautiful, yep you guessed it they had to shave my head all of my long auburn locks gone. Bri says he is going to have it made into a wig for me. Plus he is going to buy me all the scarfs I want. This is why I love him, always doing everything and anything for me because he loves me.

“Tari count backwards from 100 and you will be asleep. When you wake up Brian and the boys will be waiting for you.” The anesthesiologist said. I looked at him and started my count.

I don't remember what the last number was that I said because I know that I am asleep now. Because I am in this beautiful meadow, it kind of reminds me of Ireland. Then my memories hit like a ton of bricks as to where I was. OH gawd I was in the meadow where Kyran and I were married all those years ago. Kyran was my first husband and Alec's father. I thought he was the one and only love of my life. Never thought I would find anyone like him ever again after he was taken from us tragically in a car accident when Alec was a month old. I looked around trying to see what was going on. I looked to the right of me and could not believe what I was seeing.

“Ky is that you?”

“Yes my love it is.” He said holding his arms out for me. I didn't think twice I ran into them. Holding him and drinking in his scent. A scent I have not smelt in forever.

“Ky I have missed you so much.”

“I know love I have missed you and Alec just as much.”

“Wait why are you here? Am I going to die?”

“That is up to you love.” What is he talking about this is crazy.

“What do you mean it's up to me? If your here then I must be going to die and you are here for me.”

“Love you are being given a choice. You can come with me and we can be together for eternity or you can live your life.”

“OH Ky I would love to stay with you. But the boys need me.”

“Yes they do need their mom. But do you know who else needs you, Tari?” I shook my head no.

“Brian needed you more than you both knew. I sent him to you for a reason. He is the one that I felt would be the perfect man for you. Unlike Steve who was just worthless. And unlike me who left you. I never wanted to leave you and Alec but I had too.”

“Wait one minute. You sent Brian to me for a reason?” I asked curiously.

“Yes. Let me explain. Because I was taken so cruelly away from you and our son, I was granted one and only one wish. I wished for you to find the perfect man for you, but that I wanted to pick that man for you. I waited and waited for you to meet him. I am sorry you had to meet Steve first for you to meet Brian. You and Brian are perfect for each other, just as we were all those years ago. Brian would give his life for you...”

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