Chapter 14

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This chapter is for Vengeances_Shadow.  Just for you girl here is a little more suspense!  Love ya thank you for being one of my MUSE'S.  

If you haven't checked out her stories what are you waiting for get over there and READ!!!!  Tari is in her story Sick Obsession!  


Brian's POV

“BAAABBBEEE please turn it off. Its hurting my head.” I heard her whining and felt her shaking me.

“Huh Wh-what's wrong, turn what off?” I said groggy. She waited for just a moment for it to go off again.

“THAT!!!!” She bit with so much anger it was hard not to take it personally. She is more likely pissed that I hadn't hear it.

“Okay but you got to sit up for a second so I can.”


“Cause it's the doorbell.” The look on her face was so cute, like she just realized what it was. She sat up with my help and turned to face the door so she could see who was interrupting our little nap with the stupid doorbell. I had told everyone that I was bringing Tari home today and the door bell was off limits so whoever forgot that was going to get a big talking too! I ran to the door so that I could stop them before they rung again. What I saw when I opened the door was like nothing I had seen before.

I stood there in shock not registering that Michelle was practically falling down. I reached out wrapping my arm around her to support her. But she pretty much collapsed in my arms so I picked her up and carried her to the other couch across from Tari. I looked up at Tari and saw tears falling down her face. The sight of Michelle is what brought on those tears. I grabbed my phone and called Val. I waited for her to answer.

“Hey Bri how's Tari?” She answered thank God.

“Val you need to come over here now!” I shouted at her. God how could I let this happen to Michelle. I need Val here because she needs to help Michelle, I have to help Tari she is getting to upset and I need to calm her down. I could hear shuffling on the other end of the phone. 

“What's wrong? I am on my way.”

“It's Michelle.” I said trying to hid the sadness in my voice.

“What happened?”

“She's in bad shape just get here now, please.”

“I'm almost there.” She said as she hung up the phone. I looked over at Tari and she had her head in her hands. I went over to her and pulled her into my arms.

“No go help Michelle, I'm fine.”

“No your stressing out.  You need to calm down babe.”

“Please just help her, I can't believe I let this happen.” She cried. What is she talking about?  How was she to know that this was going to happen to Michelle.  I was about to ask when Val came running in the door. She came to a screeching halt when she saw Michelle laying on the other couch. Her hands went to her mouth to cover the scream that was trying to come out. She ran over to her sister looking over every inch of her body.

“What the fucking hell happened to her?”

“She just showed up like that and I called you.”

Val looked at me and I could see the fire in her eyes.

“Steve did this didn't he.” I wasn't sure but I had a pretty good feeling that he did.

“I think so but she has yet to confirm or deny it.” I said as I held Tari trying to calm her down. I am so torn right now. Tari needs me to keep her calm but yet right now I want to get the guys and go beat the piss out of Steve for hurting Michelle.

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