Chapter 21

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Val's POV

Finally she fell asleep. I very carefully put ear plugs in her ears so that she wouldn't hear us talking and wake up. I also put one of the neck pillows on her neck. She needs her sleep to get better. I hate seeing her like this but as her sister I chose to be by her side no matter what. Matt feels the same. Tari is the most caring and sincere person we know. It's killing me not telling her about the biggest event that is going to happen to Matt and I. When I found out that I was pregnant I wanted to run to her and tell her right away, I know she will be happy for us but she will put a stop to me helping her. That will not do.

“Val are you alright?” Lacey questioned.

I hadn't notice but I was getting light headed, then the nausea hit full force and I ran for the toilet. Morning sickness has been a bitch for the last two months. Leana was right behind me holding my hair for me as I emptied my stomach.

“Val are you sick?” She asked when I was finished.

“No I'm fine.” Oops wrong answer. They all are smart and I know they have figured it out. I just don't want to say anything until everyone is on the bus next week that way everyone knows at the same time. That way there is no one thinking that I am playing favorites.

“Sweetie whats going on, are you pregnant?” Lacey asked.

“No something just didn't agree with me.” Yeah the baby doesn't like any food in the morning.

“Are you sure?” Gena asked as she was still working on Tari's make up.

I just nodded as I knew if I spoke I would blurt out that I was and then today would be about me and not about Tari! Today is her day not mine.

I went over to the dress bags that were hanging up and pulled the dresses out. I got the dresses and shoes put out so we all could get ready before we woke Tari. All of us had picked out our own dresses in the same color just different styles. After Gena finished with Tari's hair she began to work on the rest of us. When she finished with us she did her own hair and makeup.

We got into our dresses they were all in a light lavender with black trim. They were all different lengths. I knew Tari would like them.

Brian told me what he wanted to do and what colors they would want. I knew how it should be done. Then he handed me his credit card and told me to make it all happen by today whatever Tari would want, no matter what the cost.

When I found the dresses I called the girls to come down and try them on. After we purchased our dresses, I saw it. The perfect dress for Tari. I got it in her size, knowing that it would fit. We all agreed that she would love it. Brian asked me if I had found her dress yet, when I told him yes he wanted to see it. I told him no way so I sent it home with Leana so that he wouldn't see it.

But today he would see how beautiful she is in the mystery dress.

“Val are we ready to reveal to her what is going on?” Leana asked. I nodded and went over to wake her up.

“Tari, sweetie time to wake up. You need to put your dress on.” She slowly started to wake up.

“How long was I asleep?” She asked.

“About 3 hours almost. But now it the time to wake up so that you can see the dress you are going to wear.”

Tari POV

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