Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! SOOOO

My friend broke and dislocated her foot last night, ouch.

I am babysitting right now.


AND my sister @sophiaisabella99 Got a Wattpad last night!:) SOOO Check her out because she psoted a book called Put Your Hearts UP and its going to be good! Also, @singerchic03 updated recently so be sure to read those, and @Dixiecrystal is updateing later today! SO watch out for that! OKAY DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT:)




Chapter 3

Riley’s POV



“Hey, where are you going?” Zayn asks me, running to catch up

“I have to go, I have my finals tomorrow and I need to get Luke to sleep!” I frowned

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” He says, thinking aloud

“Yeah” I reply before kissing him on the cheek “Goodnight Zayn, I love you” I say before strolling towards the doors

I get into my car and drive home, trying my best to avoid the stressful thoughts saying how I was sure to fail tomorrow. I can’t fail; I have to ace it in order to become a designer and buy a house and have a life with Luke, and possibly Zayn.

I push the thoughts to the back of my head and continue driving. Tomorrow would be a long, stressful, day.

Hayley’s POV


Next Day


“And Will, this is your room!” I say opening the door to the nursery

“We didn’t know you would be joining our family so we are having people come today to put your room together.” I admit to the little bundle in my arms.

“Okay trade me, I will give Will a bottle, you can give Jamie a diaper change!” Liam says, attempting to hand me Jamie

“Uh, know, you can change her diaper, then go feed Will a bottle!” I say with a smug grin

He rolls his eyes playfully before laying Jamie down on the table

We decided to call James Willard, Will, because I didn’t want James and Jamie, I don’t know it just sounded strange to me, I mean I know they are twins and all but, I just didn’t like it but I loved the names so James is going to be called Will.

“Oh, everyone wants us to go over to the boys flat tonight so they can see the babies again, if you want.” Liam says, handing me Jamie

“Yeah, I am okay with that!” I smile

“Good.” He says, kissing my forehead


Unbroken *Book 3*Where stories live. Discover now