Chapter 21

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Okay, so I am finishing the series soon- so be expecting this wonderful Infinity Series to end. SORRY! and for all you Ellie fans- sorry, this chapter sucks for you:( Everything will be okay in the end though! Just remember that! VOTE AND COMMENT!!! THANKS LOVERLIES<3


Chapter 21

Eliza’s POV

“You what?” I ask Niall in disbelief

“The tour has been moved up, we leave tomorrow morning. I didn’t get a say in this Eliza, I am sorry! I don’t want to go!” He said

“Niall!” I whine, knowing there is nothing he can do about it, which still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want him to go.

“Eliza! There is nothing I can do!” He says, raising his voice slightly, I know he is frustrated too.

“I know.” I whisper in a small voice, visibly shrinking back

“Eliza, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. I apologize I just…. I don’t know what to do!”

I lean over and pull him in for a kiss, just to shut him up; if he has to leave tomorrow morning I want to spend all day with him.

 I pull back and open my mouth to speak but the door swinging open then slamming cuts me off.

Ellie walks in, tears streaming down her face, her hair in knots, her clothes wrinkled.

I just remembered she never came home last night.


“Ellie, are you okay” I ask

She opens her mouth to speak but quickly closes it before stomping up the spiral staircase and slamming the door, to what I am guessing was her room.

“Okay, I will let you deal with that and I will let you call me later and we can go do something.” Niall says, kissing my forehead.

“Okay…” I trail off, my eyes still on the staircase.

Once Niall was out of the apartment I jogged up the stairs and knocked on Ellie’s door before entering.

She had her suitcase on her bed and she was stuffing clothes into it.

“I have to- go- go- go home, I need a break, for a while, I am transferring schools to back home and I will just- finish there- I just- I can’t do this!” she stutters

“Ellie, calm down let’s talk about this and think!” I beg

“There is nothing to think about, I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but Mace bought me a ticket home and it is none refundable so, I am sorry. I will call you when I am settled in.”

She gives me a hug and kisses my forehead before grabbing her four large suitcases and five boxes of belongings (it took three trips because I refused to accept the fact that she was leaving) before she shut the door, leaving me behind. Alone.

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