Chapter 25

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We are drawing near to the end of our journey with Liam, Hayley, Harry, Lilith, Eliza, Niall, Louis, Ellie, Alyssa, Demi, Luke, Zayn, Saran and the rest of the charcters. I hope you have enjoyed this just has much as i have. and NO this is not the last chapter. There are 11 more after this. This is the last update for today, i will update more through out the week. Comment and tell me who your favorite person was and why. 

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Chapter 25

Eliza’s POV



We knock on the door to Zayn’s house, hoping to get inside quickly. The air is chilly for mid-October.

“Vas happening?” Zayn asks, smiling widely at the door.

I giggle “Nothing, just freezing our butts off out here!” I say motioning between Niall and I.

Zayn nods and motions for us to come inside where Demi, Saran, Harry, Lilith, Louis, Alyssa and Luke are all sitting.

“Hey!” Lilith smiles standing up to hug me.

“Hey! How have you been?” I ask she smiles and looks down at Harry


We all joke around and stuff while waiting on Hayley and Liam with the food-and the babies. Hayley said they had to pick up Blake and then they would be here. That was ten minutes ago.

Getting slightly worried I stand up to go pour myself a drink, so that I could possibly take my mind off of things. But then there is a knock on the door.

Liam’s POV



After searching for Blake’s house we finally find it and figure out that we passed it four times. Hayley blames me, since I was the one driving, but I blame her and her bad directions.

Haha, bad direction.

Okay, not funny.

(A/N I fully believe that Taylor Swifts next album will be called Wrong Direction)

So now we are at Zayns, standing at the door, freezing.

He opens the door and Hayley jumps inside.

“Finally! I lost all my baby fat so now I have nothing to keep me warm!” She says, handing Jamie to Eliza, whom apparently had been waiting to hold her ‘niece’.

“Okay everyone this is Blake, Blake this is Zayn, Alyssa, Louis, Niall, Eliza, Lilith and Harry. Oh and Luke, you know the rest.” Hayley says, gesturing to each person.

Blake smiles and waves before taking a seat in between Hayley and Lilith.

“Okay, Hayley I need help. I can’t get Luke to eat anything! The kid hasn’t eating for two days!” Zayn says. That’s when I notice how stressed out his is, the bags under his eyes, the light purple color, the red color in his eyes. He looks tired.

“Zayn, I am sorry but I seriously don’t know what to do, my kids are under the age of one. I don’t have that issue yet.” She says, sympathy in her eyes.

He shakes his head and sits down, nodding slightly.

“Can I try to get him to eat?” Blake asks. Zayn looks up.

“Sure, but it’s no use.”

She goes into the kitchen and pulls a container out of the fridge, puts in the microwave and sets Luke up in the dining room. A moment later Zayn walks into the dining room, his eyes wide.

“How did you do that?” He asks

Blake shrugs “I have a degree in Child Development.”

Zayn smiles down at Luke, who is on his second plate of macaroni.

Maybe now, Zayn can get some sleep.

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