Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Louis’s POV

I cannot believe I am actually going to do this, I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do but I think if I don’t do it now, I never will.

But Ellie has been swimming around in my head lately, and I can’t seem to get her out!

I hate it!

I need her out! Like a.s.a.p.! Especially for what I am fixing to do.

I decided to take Alyssa to a fancy restaurant tonight, since we are leaving tomorrow and all. But this tour, I found out today, is only two months, then we go on the long world tour. FUN.

“Louis, why did you bring me here?” She asked

“I am leaving tomorrow for a two month tour and you can’t go with me and I just wanted to tell you in public so you wouldn’t make a scene?” I said, but it came out more of a question

She nodded “Okay, and the real reason?”

I sucked in a huge breathe before getting down on one knee

“Alyssa Jasmine Turney, would you marry me?”

Eliza’s POV

Three Weeks Later

Getting Ellie back didn’t work, she wouldn’t even tell me why she left, we are almost finished with college so I don’t understand why she couldn’t wait!

“So this would be your room, and you would have to pay half the rent, along with half the food costs, and you would have to help keep the flat clean.” I say, for the thirtieth time today.

I know, I have enough money to pay for everything myself, but truth is, I don’t want to be alone.

So I did background checks and found the five best people for roommates, out of all who applied.

I have interviewed and shown around all five.

There was: Kasey, Lauren, Kaliope, Kimberly and Quinn. All super, nice pretty girls.

Right now I am on my last one, Quinn.

“That sounds good! I am totally interested, give me a call?” She asks

I nod and smile; she does the same before exiting the flat.


Now, to choose one.

I walk over to my little mailbox thingy and get my mail.






OOOOH! Two wedding invitations, oh know FOUR! Haha wait what?

The first one was for me to Lilith and Harry’s wedding, the second to me for… Louis and Alyssa? Oh. My. Gosh.

The other two for Ellie, for the same.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I may not have to choose a new roommate after all. 

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