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pushing the cart of books through the library, dan sighed. the job was so mind-numbingly boring, he could see why dean was so eager to leave. despite this he continued to return books to the right places. as he was returning the now-empty cart to behind the desk he noticed there was still a few people sat around a table. one stood up and left. "excuse me," dan called "we're closing now." the last person turned to look at him before leaving. there was a book on the table. dan picked it up, going to put it back.

a corner of paper stuck out of the book. feminine stationary. dan pulled it out and smelled it.

he slid it into his pocket without reading it.


the tray of food slid out of dan's hand and onto one of the hard, plastic tables where there was a few friends and some other random people sat. he joined in an unusual conversation about watermelons "but what if it actu-" the speaker was cut off by someone else. "hey there," the voice spoke, "i'm, well, phil.

dan inhaled deeply. he was... pretty? beautiful? either way. oh god. his dark hair contrasted with his pale skin and eyes. not to mention the clothes. a multi-coloured pastel jumper. skin tight black jeans. he looked so... perfect.

"do you mind if i sit, um, here?" he brushed the fringe from his eyes and gestured to an empty seat. an empty seat situated in front of dan. 'oh heck yes' said dan's brain. "sure, of course" said his mouth. phil smiled widely as he placed himself and his tray down. as dan looked at him once again, he figured he wasn't new, just someone he'd never talked to. the group of friends - now including phil - continued to eat and chat. dan stood to return his tray to a counter. passing phil's seat. he smelt nice, as sweet as he looked.


a.n:     woah only like 3 parts and this phanfic has 1k! also... new cover! introducing phil! new part after just over a month (oops)! hope you enjoyed this ((: 

ALSO soz if I constantly change the cover I like making them (:

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