Liam's Leaving?

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*Hey, I haven't uploaded in a while, but this is probably my favourite out of all the Liam/Tiffany storie's I've made up completely. Yeah, see what you think*

“Spiderman. Strength 56.”

“Ahh, damn it.”

“Strength 89.”

“Come off it Frank!”

They were all in Frank’s room. Tiffany was sitting on the bed with Liam lying across her lap, Frank leaning against the bed, on the floor.  It was a Saturday, no school and no homework that they couldn’t put off until a week after it was due, bliss.

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Frank called, and Mike walked in.

“Uh, Liam, could I just have a quick word?”


He sat upright and slipped off the bed, both Tiffany and Frank started to get up, but Mike shook his head. “Just Liam.” He said and they slumped back down to the floor. Liam himself winked,

“I’ll only be a couple of seconds.”

Mike shut the door behind them.

“You know that we have a contact number for your mother don’t you?”

“Yes, only to be used if I’m dying or to let her know that you don’t need the contact number anymore, if I remember correctly.”

“Yes, well. A possible foster father has turned up today, and he, well he claims to be your biological dad.” Mike let this sentence sink in.

“My, Dad?”

“We believe he might be.”

“Jesus. Why do you think he might be?”

“Well, apart from the fact that he says he is, we have called you Mum and run his name and appearance by her. She seems to think he’s legit.”

“And she wanted him to be the ‘call if Liam’s dying’ person instead right?”

“Not the point.”

“So what happens now? He whisks me off and we play happy families?” Liam sneered.

“No. We have legal custody over you, if eventually you would like to live with him then that is your choice, no-one is going to force you to do anything.”

“But you want me to meet him.”

“Look, don’t think of him as your dad, think of him as just another foster parent, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but it would be nice if you spoke to the guy yes.”

“Is he here now?”

“In the office. His name’s Mark.”

Liam sighed. “Fine.”


They were all standing in the office when Liam, Tiffany and Frank entered. Tracy, Gina and Mike were behind the desk, Mark O’Dunavan sitting in the chair, he stood up however when his son entered.


“Hey Dad.” His friends stood either side of him, like a pair of unexpected body guards. They both knew what was going on, they hadn’t been told, but they could tell. This was it. The moment that could change their lives forever and neither of them were looking forward to it. Mike almost looked as if he wanted them to leave, and they understood his reasoning, this was Liam’s moment to think about himself for once. But equally they felt like they had to be there for him, as he was so often there for them. This was his moment sure, but they were his closest friends, they knew him and he needed them.

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