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Elementation: A person or descendant of one born with the supernatural use of an element. I.e The ability to control Earth's natural resources.

"You have to go! Homecoming is essential," Cyrus protested, trying to keep up with Aero's speed down the hallway. Aero wanted to avoid him as much as possible, regarding he still stuck out like a sore thumb. Head to toe in wine colored pants, suspenders to match, a white button up with a sequined coat over it. His hair was spiked up, a single dark purple streak running through the raven color. Aero turned to look into his guy-liner eyes that had narrowed into slits. Rule number one of friendship with Cyrus Jeong Kim: never anger him.

Aero breathed a pitiful sigh, "Look, Cy, you know I hate dances. What makes you think I'd want to go to this one?"

Cyrus rolls his eyes incredulously. "Maybe the fact it's our Senior Year and our last chance to go to homecoming! C'mon, you don't wanna look back and regret not going to homecoming because your pompous brain told you not to even though your extraordinarily wise friend told you to go."

Aero scoffs, feigning offense, resting a hand over his heart, "Ouch. You really know how to make someone feel good about themselves, Cy."

"What would you do without me?" Cyrus flashed him an overdramatic grin. He resembled somewhat of the Cheshire Cat. Colorful and flashy.

"Well for one, I'd probably have a life, normal friends, maybe even a girlfrie-" He's cut off by Cyrus' elbow jamming into his side. Aero yelps out in pain, laughing as he shoves him playfully. "I'm just teasing, Cy. I would die without you!" He declares dramatically, putting a hand to his forehead and falling limp in his arms. He holds Aero up, barely, and shakes his head at him. Aero ruffles his hair, and pinches his cheek teasingly. Cyrus swats his hand away, glaring harshly.

"Hands off the money-maker. You're gonna ruin my makeup and-hey! You messed up my hair, you uncultured swine!" He gasps, horrified of his appearance in the mirror of his locker. Aero, however, was more horrified of Cyrus' locker. From the sparkly mirror to the hundreds of posters of Ryan Reynolds; it was his worst nightmare. He claimed that Ryan was a sex god sent from the depths of hell to possess his heart. Aero just liked him as Deadpool.

"Alright, fine, I'll go to homecoming with you. But, if it's lame, we're leaving. Okay?" Aero said sternly, trying to get it through his thick head. Cyrus squealed, throwing his arms around the annoyed boy, crushing his body into him until he was struggling to breathe. Aero was regretting this already.


The stench of overly strong perfume and body odor was overwhelming. The air in the room was suffocating from the heated bodies radiating onto each other from the close proximity. Aero found himself really dreading agreeing to come to this. On the other hand, Cyrus was breaking it down on the dance floor in blue jeans, gold studded boots, and a gold and black suit jacket to go with it. Aero was dressed a little more casually with skinny jeans, navy blue Vans, and a navy blue button-up collared shirt. His hair was gelled up unlike the usual messy fringe he always sported.

Crappy pop music blared through the speakers as Aero stood on the sidelines, watching everyone dance to it. This just wasn't his scene. He'd much rather be at home watching reruns of Parks and Rec than to be here with stupid teenagers trying to twerk. Couples were grinding on each other, others were just mingling about while bobbing their heads awkwardly to the music. If Cyrus didn't count this as lame, Aero didn't wanna know what he categorized as fun.

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