2- Constituency

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Constituency: A member of a constitute or being part of a whole.

The pads of their feet shuffled across the football field to the woods behind the school. No one dared to go back here anymore. Rumor has it, a student about twenty years ago was reported missing after fetching a ball that rolled into the depths of darkness. The only thing they found was the ball, deflated and burnt to a crisp. No one found a body, clothing piece, nothing. It was like he vanished into thin air.

Roxxi was stood, leaning against a pine tree as we approached the entrance of the woods. Thick rows of trees went on for miles beyond them, crickets chirping in the moonlight. The moon was bright and almost full tonight, illuminating the trees that cast shadows onto the ground in monstrous looking shapes. The swirling pit of nerves in Aero's stomach did not go unnoticed. Regret washed over him like a wave in a storm.

"So, who's the Asian?" Roxxi acknowledged Cyrus' presence, finally. Not the most friendly introduction, Aero thought with a mental snicker.

"This Asian has a name," Cyrus' eyes narrowed, glaring coldly at Roxxi.

"That's Cyrus. Cyrus, this is Roxxi."

"Glad to hear it," said Roxxi sarcastically. "C'mon, we need to get a move on. I'll tell you everything on the way."

Cyrus looked puzzled, trying to piece things together in his mind. One thing that both Aero and Cyrus were not expecting, was for Roxxi to clench her fists together, moving them in an outward motion directed towards the tree. A loud series or snaps and cracks commenced and Cyrus and Aero jumped back in astonishment.

"Get out of the way!" Roxxi yelled over the noise. The two moved to the side as the middle of the tree trunk suddenly split open, straight down the center, creating an entryway. The roots disentangled, erupting from the ground and wrapping around each other to design a twisted bridge, directly under the entrance. Aero's jaw was dropped open, along with Cyrus'. Roxxi looked unfazed, as if this was an every day occurrence for her. Which, Aero assumed, it was. At this point, he decided not to question any unnatural happenings anymore.

For Cyrus, however, that wasn't the case. "Did you see that? Or is all the green-tea-before-bed thing finally going to my head?"

"It's The Old Treebridge Portal. Only Naturing's like me can open it. Other Shifters have to use different portals. Like the Wetter's use the portal under the Gulf of Mexico. Since they control water, only they can get to it. Same goes for the Aeries, and the Firing's. Each Element creates their own portal that only their power can get to." 

She ordered the two boys to follow her onto the bridge. The bridge's walkway was made of the tree bark and the railings were roots twisting into each other into exquisite spirals and twists. It looked like licorice. As they walked through the bridge portal, they were suddenly transported into a beautiful place full of cherry blossoms, perfect green grass, and the smell of lavender filled the air. The sky was bluer than Aero's eyes and fluffy clouds rolled across it like cotton candy. It was like Springtime in a fairytale. Birds were singing in the trees and water trickled in a flowing creek underneath the bridge. The trio stepped off and onto the ground and in the distance was a huge castle-like building.

"Wait, so you can control nature?" Cyrus inquired. Roxxi nodded. "Wicked."

"Your friend over here, Aero, can control air." Roxxi directed her attention to me and I raised my eyebrows. "That's how you avoided the punch I spilled over you. It was a test. I wanted to see if your powers would trigger to stop me. It worked. You created a forcefield of air around yourself to avoid it."

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