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Orientation- The process of choosing teams for the annual game of Element.

Aeries, Aero had found were very fun, carefree, and did whatever they wanted to do. They showed Aero and Cyrus around to their dorm, room 19B. It was small, but had a bunk bed, desk, TV, and mini fridge and microwave. Cyrus was sure to put his own little touches on it later. Right now, they were looking for Aeruiodite. He apparently had information for them. Well, for Aero, rather.

Cyrus and Aero were headed out of the dormitory when the two spotted a middle aged man with brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a swirl tattoo on his neck. He was wearing shorts due to the warm weather and a plain white V-neck. "Excuse me, are you Aeruiodite?"

"The one and only. Who's asking?" His voice was sly and cool...oddly enough, like a breeze. Aero could see how he would be an Aeries.

"Hi, I'm Aero O'Donnell, this is my friend Cyrus," Aero gestured to Cyrus who gave the guy a nod of greeting. "I'm new and I was told to find you for some information?"

Aeruiodite glanced over them, taking in their appearance before smiling brightly, "Hey, mates! New kid, huh? I like you already. Call me Aeru."

"Okay, Aeru, what information do you have for us?" Cyrus takes the liberty of asking.

Aeru gestures with his head for them to follow him, walking outside, down a path, and to the other side of the school. The West Wing dormitory. Aero noticed people playing with fire and knew exactly what dorm it belonged to. Firing. Aeru guided them inside where some people turned and glared, whereas others gave warm smiles. Fire Shifters were either warm or hot-headed.

"I want you to meet Ember. He'll be showing you around campus and take you to Orientation." Explained Aeru. They both nodded and Aeru yelled from across the Firing's lounge, "Ember! Over here!"

A guy with almost jet black hair whipped his head around until his eyes met theirs, waltzing over with a hurried charge to his walk. He was all muscle, wearing a tight white muscle tee and saggy joggers. His eyes were a blazing orangey-brown. His skin was nicely tanned and he had a smirk on his face. If fire was a person, this would be him.

"Ember, this is the new kid Aero, and his friend Cyrus," Aeru introduced them to the attractive male. Yes, even I, Aero thought to himself, a heterosexual male, admits this guy is insanely attractive. Cyrus saw it, too, considering he was practically drooling.

"Ah, a newbie. It's been a while since we recruited a new Aeries boy. Been an even longer time since an Elementless boy came here," Ember said, eyes trained on Cyrus. He barely acknowledged Aero's presence. He was entirely focused on the Elementless friend. Cyrus, being Cyrus, refused to be called Elementless one more time and rolled his eyes at this statement. Aero could see a hint of amusement on Ember's face at Cyrus' reaction.

"Don't take it to heart, he hates everyone here." Aero whispered in Ember's ear and he chuckled.

"I can see why," He retorted. "An elementless being hasn't crossed our paths in years. We hate the Elementless. Or Detrius, at least."


"Horrible man. He is our sworn enemy. I'll explain later. For now, I must give you and your little friend a tour. Follow me." He instructed, Cyrus and Aero following his lead. Cyrus was no longer gaping at his beauty, much more the opposite. He seemed to be glaring at the back of the guy's head now.

"Look at this guy. Ordering us around already. I don't like him," claimed Cyrus.

"You just met the guy and you're already judging him? Just because he called you Elementless?" Aero looked at him incredulously. Cyrus huffed, ignoring his friend's words because he knew Aero was right. Aero smiled smugly, the rest of the walk being silent until they reached what looked like a cafeteria.

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