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Photosynthesis: is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation).

"You can't be serious?" Cyrus looked at Aero with disbelief.

"I'm dead serious. Trust me, you'd know if I was joking," Aero said, giving Cyrus a look. Cyrus seemed to be contemplating his insane friend's spontaneous plans in his head.

After a while he shook his head. "No. Absolutely not." Aero blanched at him. "You, my inexperienced little weakling friend, cannot go looking for Detrius by yourself."

"So come with me! Please, Ember won't do it and I really want to go. Imagine what we'd be doing for Elentia if we stopped him!" Aero shook Cyrus' shoulders for affect. He didn't seem fazed. He just deadpanned at the Aeries boy.

"You are insane. If we go, it'll be after Orientation, anyways. But, that's not over yet. We still have Juniors today, Seniors tomorrow, and the party. Then, I most likely will be kicked out because I'm not like you guys..." Cyrus trailed off, swallowing thickly. "I never will be."

Aero stared at him with a pained expression. He looked like he was about to cry, and Cyrus hardly ever cried. He seemed to be changing ever since they got here. For what reason?Aero didn't know. Something about him just seemed more emotional, shy, and reserved. It reminded him a little of...Ember.

It made so much sense. Cyrus did like Ember. Aero could see it written all over his face. He'd never seen Cyrus like this and there could only be one explanation. It was him. It was Ember. The subject was so foreign to Aero. Cyrus never allowed himself to like someone more than just a little bit, but this was completely different. He looked flushed a lot recently, more alive. Happier in his own skin, yet confused. It was as if the real Cyrus had come out, not the fake act he put up to seem cooler.

At that moment, before Aero could try to cheer up Cyrus, Raine came bursting into the room, crashing into the two with a squeal. The three trampled into each other, falling off of Aero's bed and started laughing when they all landed in a pile on the floor.

"Oops. I slipped." Raine was smiling, midnight waves of hair framing her flushed cheeks and her bright emerald eyes shone brightly. She didn't look older than sixteen, still the youngest of the new people he'd met. Aero couldn't help but notice something about her, though, that seemed to make everyone's day brighter. And they only met her yesterday.

"Watch where you're going, slick," Cyrus grumbled, trying to fix his hair with the camera on his phone. Cyrus was dressed in what he considered a dull outfit. A polka dot button up and navy blue skinny jeans with his signature fedora he wore recently. Raine was dressed in a black lace crop top and high waisted shorts. Aero didn't really care about fashion much seeing as he was just wearing his usual blue hoodie and everyday jeans. His hair was in its natural mess of dark brown waves.

"Sorry," she looked down, sheepish. "Anyway, I came to tell you guys that I heard you want to track down Detrius and I wanna help!"

Cyrus looked up at her now, bored with her enthusiasm. "Really? Well, isn't that just peachy!" He mocked her tone of voice and Aero shot him a glare. Cyrus stuck his tongue out at him behind his back and Raine looked confused, but shook it off.

"Well, thanks! It'd be nice to get to know some more Shifters like me. I'm still kind of new to all this." Aero smiled at Raine. She grinned back, making herself at home on the bed. The three sat there in an almost comfortable silence, but Cyrus still seemed displeased with the girl. Aero had no idea what he had against her.

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