Chapter.12 Movie date

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I sat there waiting and counting; counting down the seconds until the little hand moved one more inch. He should be here any second. I would know.

My parents were out of town tonight. They were meeting my aunt and uncle for dinner because of my aunt's birthday. They said it was an adult dinner and, even though, If I wanted I could have argued that I was eighteen and an adult . . . if I wanted to. But I didn't for a very obvious reason. Matt was coming over.

Right when the little hand was at the seven I jumped from the couch and ran to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a bag of popcorn in my haste. I slammed the microwave door shut and listened for the revolving glass plate to go. As the popcorn popped, my heart went back to normal pace.

I should have known he wasn't going to get here right at seven. He has his parents and his agent and his publicist and the paparazzi to fool. He needs to get away from all of that just to come over here and watch a movie with me. Little old me. Nicole- not a celebrity- Mullaney.

As the hands changed again, from seven thirty four to seven thirty five, I suddenly felt silly to think this relationship could work. How could we do this all the time? How could he get away from his whole life to come an stay in mine for just a few minutes? Once school was over and he was back to acting, how were we supposed to continue the relationship when one of us would be busy all the time?

Just then the door bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts to answer it.

"Hey," He greeted me with a smile, stepping in and hugging me around the waist. He kissed me for a long while until the timer went off on the microwave. I had to make a new bag because the other got cold.

"I'm really sorry I'm late. I had to tell my parents I was going to the library to study for a test and they didn't really buy it so I used my acting skills to sell it to them. Then my publicist wanted me to go down to the beach and pick up trash and then I had to grab a sweat shirt and sunglasses to make sure the paparazzi didn't see me!" he laughed.

"It's fine." I shrugged, a little saddened by the truth.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said too fast and I half ran to get the popcorn.

"Nicole, I know when your lieing. Like when you pretended to hate me, I could tell." He laughed.

"I did hate you-then. See, you couldn't tell." I smiled and he playfully picked me up and tossed me on the couch. I finally laughed and it felt good after being grounded and thinking about things.

"Really." He asked again, sitting next to me.

I sighed, "I was just thinking before you came. What happens when we graduate and you go back to acting and I'm a nobody? Will we still have time for each other-- will you have time for me?" I corrected myself.

He laughed, "Why are you worrying about that?"

I glared at him, "We would have to think about it sometime."

"True. Honestly I don't know. If we really want to keep dating then we will make it work. I don't know how though." He sighed. "I told you it would be hard to date me. Don't worry though. If we want to, it will all work out." He hugged me, but I didn't feel relieved.

After the movie, which was only an hour long, Matt got up and stretched.

"I've got to get back home." He frowned.

"How come?" I asked, standing up with him.

"At ten I have to go to a movie premiere." He rolled his eyes, getting his shoes on.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me?"

"I kind of forgot. Sorry." He smiled, kissing me quickly and turning to the door.

"It's only eight thirty." I tried to sound like I didn't care, but it didn't come out right.

"Yeah, but I have to get back then get ready then pick up Natalia." He said like it was no big deal.

"Natalia?" I sneered.

"Yeah, she's my date tonight."

"What? I thought . . ." I trailed off angrily.

He stood up and grasped my shoulders. "Nicole, you are my real girl friend, your the one I have feelings for and your the one I would rather be with, but Natalia is my fake girl friend. I need the press to see that everything is fine between us and they will leave you alone. She's better for my image." He shrugged.

"Excuse me? Your image? So it would be bad if you were seen with me?" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah-- I mean no! You don't understand!"

"No, I understand. It's better to be seen with a beautiful movie star then to be seen with a boring average looking twelfth grader." I spat.

"Nicole, that wasn't what I meant." He said firmly.

"No. It was. I get it. Don't worry, go get Natalia and take HER to the premiere instead of me because God forbid I ruin your IMAGE!" I yelled.

"Nicole!" I said back, equally as mad.

"No! Get out! Go get your little movie date and have fun taking pictures with her! I hope she broke up with her boyfriend because then you two wont have to fake date!"

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah I am Mr. celebrity. Bet that's never happened to you before? And I take back what I said before, I didn't hate you then. I hate you now!" I screamed as I slammed the door in his face.

I ran up to my room, not bothering to turn off the TV or put the food away. I went up stairs, flung myself on my bed and cried. I knew this would happen.

By the time it turned ten, I already took my shower and was ready for bed. My parents would be home any minute.

After tossing and turning, I couldn't fall asleep so I turned on the TV. How cliché was it that the station I turned to first was covering the movie premiere. But that wasn't all. Guess who was the first couple I saw walking the red carpet . . .


Hope you liked it! :)

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