Chapter.23 Save the Date

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Chapter.23 Save the Date

"Nicole? Can you pass the syrup? Nicole?" Evan asked.

"Oh, sorry," I shook my head, passing the bottle of syrup to him, keeping my eyes down.

"You know your going to have to look at me at some point, right?" He laughed.

"Yeah, but not right now." I mumbled.

Behind me, Matt placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them while he chuckled. Although Matt trying to comfort me was nice, I still wouldn't forget the mental picture of my two best friends having . . . sex . . . out of my head.

"Hey, Evan? Why can't you rub my shoulders like that?" Christina smirked.

"I thought I did enough rubbing this morning, but . . ."

"Okay!" I said, jumping up out of the seat. "I've heard enough. Thanks for the brunch, but I think I'm going to go." I quickly said as I walked to the door.

"Wait! Nic, we have dessert too!" Christina shouted to me.

"Hey, Chris, and after we have dessert . . . we can have dessert," Evan winked at me.

"Ew!" I shrieked, running out the door and I could hear them laughing behind me.

"Evan! You jerk!" I heard Christina yell and then a smack.

"What? I'm just playing, relax." Evan laughed.

"Hey," Christina said to me as she walked out the door and sat down on the steps next to me. "What's up?"

"What's up?" I chuckled.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say? Oh, sorry you had to walk in on me and Evan having sex, but do you want to go to the mall later?" She mocked. I laughed at her and she smiled.

"Actually, yes."


"I do want to go to the mall," I laughed.

"Okay! We can get some new heels! I broke me other pair last week," She sighed.

"Yeah, but just promise me something?" I asked, trying to be more serious.

"What?" She looked scared.

"Just promise me that next time . . . you will close the door slut!" I cracked up, playfully hitting her arm.

"Oh! Offensive!" She laughed, going to shove me, but I moved out of the way and she fell on the ground so I decided to tackled her.

"Ah!" I giggled.

"Not fair! You have pants on!" She shouted.

"Oh, yeah! Chick fight!" Evan cheered when he saw us rolling around. Matt came out and smirked at me, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Ten bucks on Chris," Evan chuckled.

Matt smiled at me as I flipped Christina over and sat on her stomach. I might be smaller than her, but I was known to fight dirty.

"Your on," He nodded.

"One! Two! Three! I win!" I Cheered, throwing my arms up in the air. Matt smiled at me and took the ten dollars from Evan.

"Not fair! You can't sit on me!" Christina giggled, throwing me off. "Alright, alright, let's get going. I wan't to get there and back with no traffic."

"Where are you going?" Matt asked.

"Just to the mall." I shrugged.

"I'll go get my bag!" Christina said, running back in the house. Evan followed her back in.

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