Chapter. 20 My parents are going to kill me.

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Chapter. 20 My parents are going to kill me.

"I am very disappointed in both of you. Fighting is not allowed by any means in this school. Especially by young ladies," He shook his head. "I am disgusted. Violence is never the answer." He sighed. "One week suspension."


"One week." Principal Lynch repeated. I slouched back in the chair.

"I'm very surprised with you Nicole . . . not so much with you Christina."

She shrugged. "It was bound to happen. But it really wasn't her fault, the girl--"

"I don't want to hear it. There were teachers in the hall way and they said you were both fighting. End of story."

"But they didn't see the whole thing!" I said irritated.

"Do not yell at me or you'll be looking at two weeks. Now, we will bring your parents in here tomorrow and talk about it then. You two will go back to class and finish school today. Understood?"

"Yup." Christina rolled her eyes, standing up and walking out. I nodded and followed her.

We went to the bathroom to clean up. There was only five minuted left until the bell for the next period rang anyways. Although I'm sure everyone was hoping we went back to class to let them all know what's going on. They can all read it in the magazine tomorrow.

"You okay?" Chris asked me.

"Fine. You?"

"Terrific." She smiled. "Your nose is bleeding." She ran the water and wet a paper towel. "Tilt your head back." I did as she said and she placed the paper towel on my nose.

"On the up side, your eye is looking better." She shrugged. I laughed out loud.

"Good one."

"Well, one day we'll look back on this and laugh. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday."

"Christina, your laughing about it now." I smiled, pointing it out.

"Yeah, I know. I'm proud to be known as someone who can handle them self." She grinned.

"What are your parents going to say?"

"The same as before. 'Christina we told you before, it is not lady like to fight in school.'" I laughed as she imitated her mom. "But my dad will say, if they start it I finish it. It will all be over before I know it. You?"

"Not sure. This has never happened before."

"Oh well, I'm sure your parents won't freak, it's your first fight ever."

"Yeah. Your probably right."

"Hey Nic, you want a ride home?" Matt asked. I was walking to Christina's car with her and he was walking to his. Usually me and Chris drove home together and him and Evan. I guess the guys wanted to talk to us about the fight.

"Go ahead." Chris smiled. "I'll make Evan drive with me." She laughed.

"Hey guys!" Evan called behind us.

"Evan let's go. You're driving me home." Christina instructed him.

He laughed. "I love when she bosses me around."

"Nicole? You coming?" Matt asked, now next to me.

"Yeah." I smiled as he kissed up my neck, lightly biting it.

"So? What happened?" He wagged his eyebrows, once we were in the car. The parking lot had cleared out now and we were alone.

"You look happy." I laughed.

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