Chapter.25 Hate then Love

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Chapter.25 Hate then Love

"You better have a damn well excuse for why your smiling right now." I hissed and he chuckled.

"Yeah . . . about that movie premiere . . ."


"Excuse me, Miss?" A fire fighter asked, clearing his throat first. His brown eyes looked scared as he spoke. Ironic that a man who risks his life everyday was afraid of a teenage girl yelling at her boyfriend.

I looked down and sighed, trying to control my rage at this point was difficult. "Yes?" I asked.

"Did you have anything valuable in the car that you wanted us to look for?" He asked, trying to be kind.

"Well actually--" Matt stepped in, but I elbowed him in the gut and he coughed, clutching his stomach.

"Nope! Nothing in there!" I told him. He nodded, questioning, but walked away.

"Nicole! I had my ipod in there!" Matt argued.

"What's the big deal? After this movie starts getting popular you can just buy a new one?" I shrugged, turning to walk away again. He caught my arm. "You know, you have got to stop doing that." I said, staring at his hand on me.

"Nicole, let me explain." He said seriously, looking me in the eye.

I stared at him and I could tell he was serious. He wasn't laughing anymore as he held me in the parking lot. It was pretty cleared out, well, besides the toe truck.

"You have one minute." I told him.

"Fine." He nodded. "Nicole, I don't have a movie premiere to go to tonight." He confessed.

"Oh, really?" I asked sarcastically.

He raised his eye brows and then continued. "Like I was saying, I don't have a movie premiere tonight . . . I don't even have a new movie coming out. Natalia still has a boyfriend and even if she didn't I would never ask her to be my date. I would ask you. I only told you all that stuff because I needed time to set up." He sighed.

"Set up?" I asked.

"Yeah, for our anniversary. I had this whole big thing set up, dinner at the beach under the stars, we were going to rent that Twilight movie you like, I was going to make you your favorite mac and cheese, the craft one, then we would go out for ice cream, not frozen yogurt because you don't like it as much--"

I grabbed him and kissed him, longingly. I couldn't believe what he did . . . or what he was going to do. He was the best guy in the world and I loved him.

"So you forgive me about lying?" He winked.

"Yes, I forgive you," I smiled.

"I'm sorry you were so upset. I just had to get you mad enough so you wouldn't want to hang out with me. I needed to be alone to plan everything. It would have worked too if you didn't run into Natalia," He groaned.

"I would have figured it out, sooner or later." I laughed.

"Really? You seemed pretty mad." He smirked. "Tell me, what did you think was going on?"

"Honestly, when I talked to Natalia . . . I thought you were lying to me because you didn't . . . Christina put this idea in my head that you could possibly be cheating." I shrugged.

He looked at me, the most serious look I've ever seen him have, and put his hands on either side of my face. "Nicole, I would never, ever, in a million years, ever cheat on you. I promise. I love you." He said and then crushed his lips on mine.

"Okay. I believe you." I smiled, feeling myself blush.

"Good." He smiled. "Now, do you still want to go on our date?" He smiled.

"Of course!"


"So it was fun?"

"Fun doesn't even come close! It was easily one of the best nights of my life!" I gushed to Christina on the phone. "He had a table set up on the beach under the stars and music playing in the background! We had dinner under the stars, just the two of us. I don't know how he did it, but there was no paparazzi at all! We were the only two on the beach. And then after we finished eating, we went for a walk on the beach, cuddled on a beach blanket--"

"Was there kissing?" She giggled.

I smiled on the other line. "Just a little . . . anyways . . . then we went out for ice cream and then went back to my house and rented a movie! Oh my God! It was so many perfect dates all rolled up into one! I love him, Chris. I really do love him." I sighed, happy as I have ever been.

"Yeah I know. You guys are too cute together!" She squealed. "Lucky he knows how to be romantic thought, all Evan does is invite me over for a movie and pizza . . . and sleepover-- but never mind that!" She laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Is Matt there right now?"

"Actually he's not. He went back home today to make up with his parents. My dad's coming home tonight so he had to leave." I sighed, feeling a bit sadder than I thought I would. It felt . . . almost natural to be falling asleep next to Matt, in his arms I felt safe.

Christina went on about Evan and how he was planning a graduation party in a few months, but I wasn't really listening. I heard keys jingling in the door and then it opened. "Actually Chris, can I call you back? I think my dad's home."

"Oh, yeah sure. Tell him I said hi!" She said and I hung up.

I flung my phone onto a pillow and scrambled off of my bed, jumping to my feet and sliding on the floor. I ran down the stairs and saw him standing in the doorway, smiling at me and waiting for me with his arms open.

"Ah! Dad!" I cheered as I rushed to hug him. Muffin came sliding on the wood floor, and jumped on him, barking and panting.

He chuckled and squeezed me until he saw my mom and started hugging her. "Okay, okay!" He laughed, backing away from us and pulling something out of his pocket. "Present time," He smiled.

Whenever my dad goes away he always brings me home a present. Whether it be candy or jewelry, I love them all. He pulled out two boxes, one rectangular shaped and the other a small square. He handed me the rectangular one and my mom the square.

I unwrapped mine and screamed when I saw the picture on the box. "Ah! You got me the iphone five!?" I jumped excitedly and hugged him again.

"Well, I figured you deserved it. You have been keeping your grades up, helping a lot with Muffin and helping your mom when I was gone. I thought I would do something nice in return." He said all business like. He was a business man after all.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squawked.

"You can't use it yet, though. We have to get it activated tomorrow." He said. "And now for your mom . . ." He smiled giving her the box.

Her mouth popped open as she saw the shimmering pair of diamond earrings. "Oh, my goodness . . . sweetheart . . . thank you," She smiled.

"I'll leave you two alone now." I smiled, running back up to my room. I played around on my laptop for a while and then finally gave in and looked at one of the celebrity gossip sights.

'Matthew Palmer's explosive night out.' Was the very first thing I saw and clicked on.

'After his car, that he let girlfriend Nicole Mullaney drive, caught on fire, he took Mullaney out for a romantic evening including dinner, a walk on the beach, and then back to her house. The two have been inseparable for around six months now and it looks like things are only headed in one direction . . . the right one.'

For the first time after reading one of these blogs, I actually felt better after I read it. I smiled, closing my laptop, and layed down on my bed under the covers. I was just about to close my eyes until my phone vibrated in the corner. I hopped up and read the text.

'Good night Nicole. Love you.' Matt said.

I quickly sent one back. 'Good night Matt. Love you too."

The smile on my face seemed like it was becoming a permanent fixture, but I didn't care. I drifted to sleep, only happy thoughts filling my head.

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