Character's Sheet

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Affinity: Lightning, Water

Likes: Training, Reading, Drawing, Painting, Nature, Tomato, Her brother

Dislike:Noisy people, Loud Noises, Anyone Who Dare Hurt Her Brother

Weapon Used: Basic Ninja Items,Katana

Personality: Calm, Aloof, Sometimes emotionless, slightly bipolar.

Trademark Technique*:

Suiton:Flesh Marker
A jutsu that consist of a concentrate amount of water. The water then compressed into senbon and will be sent towards the target, required a bit of concentration in order to manipulate the senbon towards the intended target. When used a small amount of chakra it is relatively harmless and will be used as a target marker and if a lot amount of chakra was used it can deal damage much like normal senbons.

Raiton:Flesh Hunter
Much like the Flesh Marker this jutsu consist of concentrated amount of Raiton chakra in the users hand-like chidori-before released towards the enemy that had been marked,the lightning then proceed to jump from one marked target to another and depending on the amount of chakra use can be a paralysing technique to a deadly killing technique that fried the target inside out while leeching on said target chakra to power the jutsu.

Kenjutsu: Dance Of The Blood Moon

Often use during the night when the moon is up, the world becomes painted with red as in the blood of the victim. The bloods will be absorb by the blade to strenghten and sharpen it, also increasing the weilder speed.


Father: Seiren-Deceased-
Mother: Kirai-Deceased-
Brother: Ren-Alive,7 years old-
Sister: None


(Y/n) is a heir to the clan (C/n) that had served Konoha since the 1st Shinobi War and come from a minor village Name, (V/n). The existence of the clan is unknown to the world except for the hokages, it is because the member of the clan choose to use a different last name in order to keep the clan existence a secret. All of the clan members lived in the same village though was wiped out because of the 3rd Shinobi War along with other villagers, and the only suvivor of the clan that had been found was (Y/n) and her brother.

(Y/n) is a slightly (a lot) bipolar girl who will show only calm indifference to anyone she is yet to trust and become a bubbly girl to anyone that had manage gained her complete trust and respect-often seen towards her brother-. She is also a hardworking girl and would often ignore what people think about her.

She also adore (and obsessive of) her brother to a fault that if she knew that anyone had been messing with him,she will gain a very devilish face with her chakra manifesting behind her in a form of a terrifying black wolf with red eyes before she began hunt down whoever dared to hurt her precious little brother and gave them a little piece of her mind.

Fave Quote:Do I Look Like I Care?-when someone tries to tell her to do something that she don't want to do-

A/n:My first time doing a char sheet,so its not that good and i'll always change it as the stories goes.

*the jutsu is my own so no takin'

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