Chapter 6- First Hit Single!

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MEH! I'm so excited to write this chappy!! I will not waste another minute! Okay, first, I took the english lyrics from Project Diva, I was watching a video and realized there was lyrics at the bottom of the screen.


Rin's P.O.V.

"I love you, I hate you, I dunno I hate you,"

"I love you, I' can't believe how much I love you!"

"Love and hate...I'm not sure..."

"I can't stop it."

"Love, hate."

"Len! You have such a pretty voice!"

"Me?? Please, yours is like an angel's!"

"Totally, you're just saying that not to piss me off, aren't you?" The blonde shook his head and laughed

"Sure Rin, that's why I said that." I smiled

"Um, hello? You guys still in here...?" The guy that was here before we started poked his head in the door.

"Uh, yeah..." I mumbled as Len turned around and jumped. I started laughing my head off. Len laughed too, and I think I actually saw a smile on the guy's face.

"We're done though..." I mustered out after we calmed down. The guy nodded and walked in.


"Yeah, hey Len?"


"I'm hungry.."

"Let's go get something to eat."

"Yeah okay, bye random sound guy!"


I giggled as I ran out the room, Len chasing after me.

"Jeez Rin, do you always have so much energy?" I nodded, but it looked like Len didn't have as much spunk as I did. I laughed and grabbed his wrist. He gasped, then laughed.

"I'm gonna want something orange!"


Len's P.O.V.

After a lunch and a game of tag, we released our new and first song, Love Hate.

"Whew! There. Done!" Rin flopped down on the couch. I brought her home, and showed her the room she's staying in. Er, living. She has convinced me to go shopping with her tomorrow to get stuff for her room. I looked at her.

"So how long do you think it's gonna-" I got cut of by a steady stream of dings coming from Rin's computer. She looked at it.

"'s a hit!!" She jumped up and cheered. I joined in, and we jumped, screamed and cheered together. Then, I hugged her. I didn't even think about it. The good news is though, she hugged me back. Guess we're already like, brother and sister type of friend. Cool. A friend.

A friend...

A friend..

Yes, a friend.




I'm really excited for the next chappy too, but you'll have to wait....


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