i. writers block

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have writers block? not sure what to write next? where your plot is going? THEN YOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE !

some things you can do to spice it up a bit ;))
(most of these I found online so creds to those ppl)

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— kill someone. go on. kill them. be rlly evil and kill someones fave. DO IT.

— ask the question: "what could go wrong?" and then write exactly how it goes wrong, basically just fuck your story up (mwa hahahahaha)

— switch the POV from your current character to another - a minor character, the antagonist, anyone else who's POV you think could add to the story !!

— stop writing whatever scene you're struggling with and skip to the next one you want to write. I do this soooo much. it can help you figure out how you want to end the previous chapter

— write the ending. pretty simple this but write how you know it's gonna end or just plan out the ending

— if it's that kind of story then... write a sex scene... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

— read someone else's writing!! I DO NOT MEAN COPY OR PLAGIARISE. DONT DO THAT but you can get inspo from other people's works there's nothing wrong with that!!

COMMENT BELOW SOME THINGS YOU DO IF YOU WANT !!! this could help others and I could include it in a future chapter (w credits)

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