Chapter 5

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~4 Months Later~

Peter was waiting on the same usual roof. Spidey and Deadpool have been hanging out a lot the last few months. Spidey had noticed his feelings toward Deadpool he found it weird that he had feelings towards a guy he barely knew...

~An hour later~

Peter sighed seems Deadpool was late once again he didn't mind he knew Deadpool was a busy guy but today Peter felt like he was ready to confess his feelings toward the handsome merc. He waited and waited finally he gave up waiting and just left he went back to his apartment and just laid on his bed he felt a little upset...Deadpool never was an hour late he must have some important business....
Peter didn't even realize he fell asleep but with a 'tap' on his window he awoke...He turned to his window and could't help but smile at the goofy looking Deadpool he had flowers and a stuffed teddy bear. Peter got up and went over to the window, opening it slowly.

Deadpool happily went into Peter's room and set the flowers on the bed.

"Sorry I was super late today Petey"

Peter sighed ,Deadpool had found out Spidey's name and now he had new nicknames which Peter hated.

"It's fine but next time text me when you know your gonna be late I was worried about you"

"Aww its sweet you worry about me Petey~"

Deadpool pulled Peter in for a hug and Peter hugged back he always enjoyed Deadpool's weird was sweet yet bitter to Peter...but it always made Peter feel calm and made him happy in a way. Soon Wade pulled away Peter was upset their hug didn't last long.

"Why'd you bring flowers and that....." Peter looked at the gifts on the bed

"They are for wanted to give them to you as an apology gift"

"Aww you didn't have too your so sweet ..."

"Anything for my Petey"

Peter blushed as he heard Deadpool say 'my Petey'

'He said I was his'......Peter couldn't help but smile

"Well now that your here maybe we could do something"

"Oh Petey your so forward~"


Wade laughed "Sorry Sorry I know I just love seeing you blush like that"

Peter giggled then pushed Wade onto the bed



"You can call me Wade ya know Petey"

Yes, Peter had found out Deadpool's name he may have done some work of his own he felt proud of himself when he had first used 'Wade' instead of Deadpool he had felt powerful seeing Wade get all flustered. To Peter that moment was worth all the late nights he spent working.

"Yeah I know but I can't say Wade angrily but I can say Deadpool angrily so that's the name I use when im mad at you"

"Fine Fine what do I have to do to make you not mad at me"

"Well~" Peter started while batting his eyelashes

"You could do me a favor~"

"And that would be"

Peter smirked "Help me with my problem~"

Wade stared...



Peter started giggling "I wasn't being serious Wade"

Wade sighed "Oh thank god"

"Would it really be that bad"

"W-Well i um....d-don't know I just thought that you might not l-like being with um m-me"

Peter smiled a bit....'here goes nothing'

"Well...." Peter started "you thought wrong"

Peter then sat on Wade's lap and kissed him......

Sorry I haven't updated in a while you guys QwQ"" School stuff

I got some testing coming up so that'll mess up what i was planning.....
I got to wondering would you guys like short chapters, meaning i could update faster or longer chapters, with me taking longer to update?
Tell me what you think in the comments Till next time~!! <3 <3

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