Chapter 6

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~The next morning~

Peter woke up next to Wade. He smiled happily. The night before had been amazing, Peter finally confessed and so did Wade. They kissed it felt amazing to both of them. It was Saturday. Peter had no where to be so he just stayed laying next to Wade. Peter could never forget what had happened the night before. He was sore. (owo *wink wink* hehe)

Peter didn't want to move even if he could, laying next to Wade was...relaxing to Peter's surprise. Peter looked at the man laying next to him. He studied his face the sunlight made Wade look like an angel. Other people would think Wade looked horrid. But Peter wasn't other people he found Wade breathe taking. Peter heard a yawn and snapped back into reality.

"Oh, good morning!"

"Good morning Petey"
Wade was still very tired he pulled Peter closer and hummed happily.

"Do you have anything to do today?" Peter hoped Wade would stay...

"I am free today, lucky me I can stay with you all day~!"

Peter smiled while snuggling closer into Wade's chest. His smell still made Peter's heart flutter.

"Well im gonna sleep again I am so tired and you are so comfy.."

Peter giggled "I could say the same to you....but I won't I rather not sleep now I feel like reading"

Wade sighed "Fine you can read and i'll lay here staring at you"

"Okay....I could read you a story if you like"

"Ohh man that sounds like an amazing offer I would love to hear my Petey read"

"First let me go so i could actually grab a book"

"Awww but your so warmmm"

Peter glared at Wade and could not help but giggle at how childish he looked. Wade let go of Peter and looked at him with pleading eyes to hurry up. Peter got up and walked over to his book shelf looking for a book he thought Wade would like. He finally found one. He then walked back over to his bed and sat next to Wade.

"You look sexy in my shirt....makes you smaller"

Peter glared at Wade "I am not small"

Wade couldn't help but laugh at Peter trying to be angry but it ended up being adorable "Just read the story!!!!!"

"Fine fine..."

Peter read as Wade laid next to him happily listening to Peter's reading voice. It was gentle it made Wade relax and enjoy the story. Wade soon fell asleep. Peter smiled once he noticed that Wade had fallen asleep and continued to read anyways. He knew Wade could hear him even in his sleep, something he was happy to find out when they were hanging out at the park, soon Peter felt tired and he put the book away on his book shelf, in correct spot of course he was sometimes picky about where he put his books,...he was happy. For once he was not upset or worried. Soon Peter laid back down in his bed next to his boyfriend it made Peter blush when he thought about it. Wade was now Peter's boyfriend! At the thought of that Peter smiled the biggest smile. He cuddled into Wade's chest soon falling asleep from his relaxing smell....

I hope everyone is doing okay! Sorry for this super late update school is almost over for me so maybe i can update more during the summer!!! I feel like this story might end in a few chapters!

I hope you all stick around <3 Dj

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