Chapter 7

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Max's POV

Me and Adam are in his office waiting for some of the others to show up mostly John because he is bringing in donuts. I protested that i will not edit if i don't get donuts and Adam agrees he wants them before he starts to work too. After about 5 minutes everyone was here but John, out of all the days he could he late he picks the day he has to bring in food. The first thing i have scheduled is a video with Adam and i said i wouldn't edit not record so i get on my computer and join the game. John finally comes in and we can't have them yet since we need to record now. While John gets his station set up Adam came up to me to talk.

"Max here is your new schedule for the day and just so you know the videos you sit in on from your other schedule you still have to do but only the recordings." Adams says while handing me my schedule.

I look over it and realize it says Ross at the top, why am i being handed Ross' schedule as my "new" one for the day. I already had mine but this is different I think Adam wants me to take over House_Owner's channel till he's back.

"Adam this is Ross' why are you handing it to me and please try to be less confusing when you talk.?"

"Max, Ross' fans still need their videos and we all have agreed that you are the best one to fill in since you live with him, edit his videos and your dating him. You're the best one out of all of us to fill in for Ross, i know this will be hard for you but i believe that you can do this. I wouldn't be giving you his schedule if i didn't."

"Adam i get that but I've never done anything like that before and his fans don't like me as far as i know. I'm glad you think i can do this but i don't think i can I'm weak without Ross."

"Max trust me on this you'll do fine and they'll understand. And the last thing you are is weak no matter what you have always been strong and i know you can be strong know if not for yourself then for Ross."

Adam left me alone with that spinning in my head. I have no idea what to do but i guess I'll go film Ross' stuff and the extra stuff I'm in. After work i plan to see Ross and find out what this son of a bitch did to him. But till then i have to stay strong for my narwhal because i know he is trying to stay strong for me. The thought of Ross makes me smile a bit until John has to ruin my semi happy moment. John grabs me by the collar and takes me to the main room, And explains the video we are recording. The Oreo challenge was the first thing to do that's why John wouldn't let anyone touch the doughnuts till the first video was done.

-Time Skip with the power of Max's Luck in the Oreo Challenge-

That was a blast i had all the good ones, i look at Ross' schedule when i got back to my desk to see he was to do that with Barney. Ross would never be able to stomach most of that, there is no way he would have done that. I'm glad he wasn't here to wimp out of it, he got a lot of hate for the last time he did that.

"MAX!!! Time to record lets go!!" someone yells at me

"Okay I'm moving asshole!!" I yell in response

-Time skip to end of video-

It's time for lunch and Adam forces me to leave with him and the others to go eat. After we eat at the mall, Adam tells the others to head back that we'll be back shortly. I don't know whats going on but right now all i want is to be with Ross or alone in my office. They car was silent and i don't recognize anything we pass, Adam kept a frown on his always happy face which scared me more then ever. Could this be something involving Ross or my mom or my dad?? Shut up Max you can trust Adam remember that he would tell you if something was wrong he could just be tried its been a long day. Or he could not be feeling well or he has something on his mind that is bothering him. That could be about any of them. SHUT THE FUCK UP MAX DO YOU WANT TO BE A DOWNER AND LOSE ROSS!!! on that note i look outside and try to remember happy times Ross and the guys.

Adam's POV

Max is really keeping it together so far today but he wouldn't leave to go for lunch. I fight with him and finally he gets in the car. I don't want to leave him alone I'm afraid he'll do something stupid by him self or he'll cry in Ross' office. We head to the mall with everyone and eat sushi, Max seems kinda zoned out like he has something he wants to talk about. After we eat we head out to the cars Max gets in mine and waits.

"Hey guys head on back Max and I will be back soon we have to do something first."

They all said okay in their own special way then left. I get in and start the car heading off in to a random drive with Max. After a bit he looks like he is beating himself up the looks out the window i did this so he'll talk but i guess i have to make him talk. It's for his own good he needs to talk it out or he'll do something really stupid, i know i would if i were in his shoes.

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