Chapter 16

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The Ross' POV
I keep trying to keep this a secret but it's so hard maybe the blindfold was a bad idea or this whole idea is bad. I should just head home so this night isn't ruined, everything has been perfect and this could ruin it all. I want to be the man he thinks I am but I can never be in nothing I'm worthless and I have no idea how he likes me. Tonight after he is asleep I have to add. No stop, tonight is a happy night and he loves you the way you are and nothing else. Stop being the old you people care about you and Max will never leave me, he loves me and he would never want to hurt me. Tonight will be perfect and I know Max will love it. I can't let my dark and sad side get to me.

Max's POV
Ross is really quite last time he kept me talking for most of the ride. I don't like this he is to quite, it's almost like he left me in the car but I know we are moving and I know Ross is driving just from how smooth all the turns and stops are. The silence begins to frighten me.

"Ross are you okay your kinda quiet?"

"Sorry I was just thinking of the fastest way there that's all."

"Oh okay I'll be quiet again."

"No don't be I want to hear your sweet voice."

"Fine so what do you want to talk about."

"What do you think the next part of the date is?"

"Home and cuddling. No um a zoo wait they would be closed..... I don't have a clue."

"Don't sound so sad we will be there very soon okay the wait will be worth it."

"I hope so, I hate having this blindfold on and I really don't want to wait any longer for this surprise."

"I know Max I'm tired of waiting to but till then we can talk."

"I guess so, Ross if we have kids... never mind. Did you tell Adam we are leaving the office soon?"

"No I thought you did when he called and what about our kids?"

"It's nothing don't worry about it and I'll tell Adam tomorrow since it's a weekend."

"Okay and you can't keep pushing what you said aside Max start talking."

"If we have kids what would they call us because most gay couples have their kids call them by their names and I really don't want that."

"They will call us mom and dad."


"I'll be mom and your dad that simple. But I feel like your not really worried about what they would call us."

"No I'm not."

"Then what is it Max?"

"I don't want my own kids."

"Why Max you said you would love.."

"I know what I said Ross and please don't get upset I have a reason for this but can we talk about this after our date."

"Max we are here but we aren't going anywhere till you tell me why."

"On my side of the family there are very high chances of our kids having medical problems and I don't want to have any kid live through that, it wouldn't be fair. When I know they will, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier and I'm sorry I ruined our date as well."

"Max you didn't ruin our date and I'm glad you told me. You have a big heart Max and I agree with you on this no kid should go through that. We don't have to have our own kids. And I have to tell you that we wouldn't be able to after next week."

"Ross start talking. Just know behind this blindfold I'm glaring at you."

"It's for my sister, she can't have her own kids so I volunteered to give my chance up for her. I should have told you sooner sorry."

"Ross don't be sad its okay I'd rather let your sister have her kids then us. Now that we got that all out of the way can we start this date so I can take this off please."

"Sure I'll be right over to open the door."

"Thank you."

Ross' POV
I walk around the car finally feeling that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I open the door for Max and take his hand leading him to the spot. I hope everything goes smoothly. Max keeps sighing I can tell if he is tired of waiting or he is bored did I really just bore my boyfriend getting here. I really hope he's not bored.

"Are we there yet this waiting is starting to go on way to long."

"Don't worry we will be there right"

"Finally now can I take this blindfold off?"

"Sure let me get that for you."

I pull Max in front of me and take the blindfold off reveling the beautiful landscape and make-shift picnic.

Max's POV
Ross finally takes the blindfold off showing beautiful scenery. There is lights and music and a picnic near the water. This is so romantic it's perfect. Ross takes my hand and walks us over to the picnic he has prepared. I lean against the tree and Ross sits next to me, pulling food out of the basket. There was cake and sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries. Everything looks so good, my mouth is watering all I want to do is dig in. I go to take a strawberry and Ross blocks me. I glare at him and all he does is smile at me like I'm not starting holes into him.

"Ross what are you doing?"

"I'm stopping you from eating."


"I want to feed you, so I'm stopping u from feeding yourself."

"Ross u don't have to do that."

" I want to. So sit back and relax and tell me what you want to eat."

"The strawberries, I guess, but I want to do that romantic thing with the food if that's okay."

"Sure thing my prince."

Ross crawled over to the basket and pulled it closer. He comes back to me and straddles me. He picks up a strawberry and takes a bite of it. Placing the other half in my mouth. I take a bite and Ross pulls the stem out of my mouth. He smiles at me devilishly. Leaning forward putting his lips against mine. Kissing me with passion and so much need I kiss back with just as much. Ross pulls away making me kinda sad but I won't let him see that. I just want to eat. Ross keeps feeding me for a little bit longer. It was quiet but a good quiet. The blissful silence was soon filled with the voice of my love.

"How about we finish this at home?"


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