Chapter 8

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Max's POV

Adam parks the car in the middle of no where and stares at me with cold unpleasant eyes. I didn't think Adam had this side to him but i guess he wants me to talk but about what. After a bit of being uncomfortable i finally give into his game.

"What Adam?"

"The Ginger speaks. Okay now that you're talking whats wrong you haven't really been yourself since this morning?"

"Nothing is wrong with me whats up with you?"

"I'm worried about you and Ross. Now whats going on in your head Max?"

"I felt like Ross could never be replaced then this morning you wanted me to replace him and his fans loved it. I don't want to replace Ross, i want him in my arms unhurt or in my possession and I'm the one hurt not him."

"You're not replacing him no one can replace the Narwhal or you Max. Ross would feel this way to if you two switched places. Max I'm going to take you some where but you can't tell the others and you can't act up for any reason understand. "

"Yes i understand."

After that Adam starts the car and heads off in to a random direction. I don't know where he is taking me and right now i don't give a fuck. My mind is only focus on Ross and how he must be doing. I miss my squire, i wish none of this happened. I knew falling for Ross and telling him would get him hurt but i didn't listen to my head i listened to my heart and now the love of my life could be dead because of it. I'm such a fuck up, i can't do anything without hurting the people around me. The world would be better off if i was dead at this point no one would miss me. Ross i would join him or show him that he deserve better then a fucking asshole like me. I look out the window on Adam's side and see a tuck coming our way not stopping. Adam was trying to talk to me but all i could see was our death coming our way.

"Adam look out!!!"

But it was to late the time Adam saw the truck it slams into us. Everything starts to go dark i hear people screaming and the ambulance. I see Adam laying on ground in a puddle of his blood before i can't see or hear anything anymore. My brain starts to shut down on me shorty after.

Ross's POV

I wake up in the hospital alone, none of my friends or Max are in view. They might have already left it looks dark outside or they are at work that could be it too. I hear doctors and nurses yelling from one to another, one comes in and asks if I'm okay sharing my room with two men that got hit. I said sure and shorty fell back asleep hoping when i wake up Max will be there to take me away and make everything better. I was woken up by a lot of loud noise and crying in the room. Must be the families to them. I wake up and i see the office members talking to the doctors and some crying. Red is next to me holding Max's beanie.

"Red where is Max, please Red i need to see him!!"

He looks at me with sadness filling his eyes once full of joy. Max was one of the two men that got hurt and from what i see Adam was the other. I try to get up but Red won't let me, soon John calls him over and i take my chance. I get up and walk behind him over to where the others where standing. I look over to see Adam covered in blood and Max being surrounded by doctors and a loud noise in the back round of all of it. Max was dyeing and Adam could be too. They rush them to surgery and the others then notice me. I feel really dizzy and unwell like i did when i first woke up. I fall to my knees and the others get me back in bed. I pass out with the thought of Max dyeing running through my head.

Max's POV

Dream world

I grab Ross' hand and take him down to the beach to where the fireworks will be. Once the show begins Ross climbs on top of me, sitting on my waist.  He leans down unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my neck.  I wrap my arms around his waist and slowly move them up to his hair, intertwining my fingers through it pulling him closer. Connecting our lips into a passionate kiss, Ross deepening it. I run my tongue across his bottom lip asking for access which he grants. Our tongues fight of control, i win and explore every inch. I reach up and tug on his shirt before I take it off to see what's under it. Ross pushes me off of him leavening me in shock. I look at my once loving Ross to see him with red eyes and covered in blood. Holding a knife he gets closer to me, the beach has turned to a desert and the moon is a red sun. I fall into a pit and up above it looks like there is no way out. I yell and hope Ross will save me and make everything better.

"Max are you okay I'll try to open the trap door but I can't find it!!!"

I keep yelling for him but he doesn't hear me. Ross opens the hatch and that isn't my Ross. He sound and looks like him and cares about me but when he went to try and help lightning strikes near him and he drops a bomb into the hole with me. The timer is counting down and Ross is laughing enjoying this.
"Goodbye Ross!"

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