College bad boys

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I nod at the bartender and he gives me another BudLight. "Thanks" I say as i turn around to watch the dance floor, I see Ethan and Danny dancing together if you could call that dancing. Looked more like dry humping. They met me outside as I pulled up, they was already at each others faces. "Boys can you make out inside, I'm ready to go in" I said walking pass them. Now they were on the dance floor going at it. I guess that's what you get after school and working all day and not seeing each other. A girl walks by and smiles at me, I smile back and turn back to the dancing. I finish my beer and order another when I hear some arguing. I look to find where the sound is coming from and find it. There was a small group of people in the far corner beside the restrooms. It looked like some boys trying to show off. I hear someone yell so I look over to the dance floor and see the guy from Jaylah's house pushing people out of the way, with no luck. "Jaylah!" He yells and I stand up straighter. What did he say? I ask as he yells it again. I step away from the bar about to go see what was going on when he seen me. He looked pissed and was still shoving people out of his way. There was to many he wasn't even making a budge. I was still trying to get to him with he yelled my name, I looked up as he jerk his hand and pointed to the corner with the boys I noticed earlier. I looked but only seen the guys around someone, I look back at him and he yelled her name again as he points. This time I know what's going on. The guys have Jaylah in the corner. I turn around and go back to the bar, the bartender sees me coming and is about to ask if I want something when I jump over the bar "hey you can't be back here!" He yells but I don't care, I walk around to the second floor balcony. I run alongside the railing pushing people out of my way, I look down and see I'm right above the boys and Jaylah. Two of the boys are holding her as the third one is touching her face. She moves it trying to get away from him but the other boys are holding her still. She looks up as I come over the railing and land behind the two holding her. I grab one of the boys around the neck and the other turns to me, as he comes I nail him and here his nose crack. He yells and holds his nose backing away. I squeeze the one I have by the neck titer as the last one hits me in the ribs, I knee the guy I'm holding in the back and he goes down. I turn to the one who just hit me and its Max Ellis, "well isn't Skylar fucking Owens trying to save the day" he says walking around me like I'm his pray. But little did he know, he's my pray and I'm the pissed off Alpha protecting my Mate. "What, is this one yours? Must be some good ass" he laughs and I slam into him like a football player. We hit the ground hard, i slam his head down as I punch him over and over. All I see is red and then Him. nothing else but him and I want him dead. I don't let up untill I get hit from the side and pinned down by three bodyguards. I hit one of them and he yells out in pain and then head butt another one from behind me. I go for the lats one as more come to hold me down. I see Max laying on the floor not moving and some people kneeling beside him. Jaylah steps in fount of me puts a hand on my chest "please culm down, they won't stop if you don't" she says with tears in her eyes. The feel of her hand on me snaps me back and I stop fighting the guards. Two more people stand beside Max and nod, they pick him up and take him to the back of the bar. I look back to see Jaylah's friends coming up beside her and then the boy who was yelling, he pulls her into a hug and rubs her hair as she cry's into his shoulder. A man walks up them and asked them something but I didn't make it out, the guy holding Jaylah nods his head at me and then keeps talking. The man walks up and tells the men holding me to let me up. As I stand the guy and Jaylah walk up "are you ok boy?" The man asked, I take it that he's the club owner. "Yeah I'm fine, are you ok?" I ask looking past him to Jaylah. She nods and lays her head down on the boy. "Well then I guess there is nothing else so have a good time and drinks are on me" the man says and walks to where they took Max. As the men walk away I keep my eyes on Jaylah, I need to make sure she's ok that they didn't hurt her. I step closer to her and the boy holding her puts his hand out "I'm James, Jaylah's brother. I've never been more happy to see anyone in my life then I was when I seen you at the bar" he says smiling. I shack his hand "Skylar" I say and look back down to Jaylah. "Are you hurt?" I ask trying not to get upset again and go find Max. "No I'm ok, thanks for helping" she smiles. I nod and her two friends come up and hug me "thanks for helping her, you was bad ass" they both said then laughed I smile back but not taking my eyes off Jaylah who hasn't moved her eyes from me. She moves away from her brother and puts her arms around my neck, I put mine around her waist and pull her to me. she pulls me even closer. "Thank you Skylar" she whispers against my neck. "Your welcome sweetheart"


I hug Skylar's neck and he holds me to his chest, "your welcome sweetheart" he Whispers against my ear, Sending shivers through my body. I pull him even tighter against me as I see two big boys walking up to us. "Hey what happened? We tried to get over here but there was so-" Skylar turns to them not letting me go "Max is what fucking happened, and it's ok I know there was alot of people, I had to go up there to get here" he say pointing to the balcony were he had jumped from. "Damn, I'm do sorry honey, are you ok?" One of the boys ask me I nod my hand at him. I remember seeing them at school but I don't know the names, They must be the two that everyone says are Skylar's boys. "So it was Max then" the other ask Skylar. "Yeah. Him and two others that I've never seen before" one shook his head as the other curses "fucking dick" as he says it he looks at me "sorry bout the language" and smiles. "It's ok, I've heard worse" I smile back at him. "Oh I'm sorry this is Jaylah, Jaylah this is Danny and that's Ethan" Skylar introduces us. I nod at them and they nod back. I feel someone touch my shoulder and turned to see Kali and Abbey. "You ok babe?" Abbey ask as Kali hugs me. Skylar lets me loose so she could but never taking his hand off my lower back as he talks to his friends. "Yeah I thank so, just a little shaken up is all" I answered her. "Do you want to go?" Abbey ask as James comes up and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Umm maybe I don't know. I was hoping to dance tonight" I look at them. They smile back "ok well lets dance" James says looking at me, and winking. "You all go ahead, I want to talk to Skylar for a moment" They nod and make there way to the dance floor. I feel Skylar's hand around my waist turning me to face him. When I look at him, his face looks worried. "Are you sure your ok?" He asks me again. "Yeah ill be fine, thank you again" I say lookin down at are hands, i don't recall our fingers having intertwine together. It feels nice, like that's where there meant to be, like that's what they've been missing. "Do you want to go, or do you want to dance?" He says looking down at are hands as well. "I thank I would like to dance" I answer smiling up at him. He's eyes lightin up as he takes me by the hand and leeds me to the dance floor. I'm not sure how longed we danced but no matter the song we stayed in each others arms. Never looking at anyone just at his eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, i was lost in them. but this time, I wanted to be lost. I never want to be found if all I have is his eyes to look at. He pulls me tightly against him, i lay my head on his chest. After what feels like ages, someone touches my back. We both turn and it's Abbey smiling "umm would you mind if I talk to Jaylah for a sec?" She asks Skylar who nods and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Ill be at the bar if you need me" he says and walks off. I look after him until a hand waves in my face getting my attention. I turn to see Abbey with a wide smile across her face. "You've been bitten sweetheart" she giggles. "What!" I yell feeling my neck. She beens over laughing as I look at her with a weary look on my face. She straighten back up with tears in her eyes from laughter. "You read to meany Vampire books" I roll my eyes at her "so what are you talking about?" I ask starting to walk to the restroom. She follows behind. "Your falling for the college bad boy" she say happily. I stop and turn around to her "I'm what?" I ask shocked she would say that but even more so that it was true. "you heard me, you miss thing have fallen hard for him" I didn't know what to say. I couldnt say anything, she was telling the truth and I knew it.

College Bad Boys(AdultBook 18+)Where stories live. Discover now