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Hey guys, I'm so so sorry it's been so long. I haven't had a phone, it's been messed up. So I'm very sorry plz don't hate me lol so this Chp isn't as long as the others cuz of that same reason, but I do hope u enjoy it. Ill shut up now and let u read :)


Chapter 13....

The way to school the next morning was long, are heads was hurting from what ever Danny had given us and we didn't get the sleep we wanted. After an hr or so everyone went to sleep it started raining. We had to get everything up, we all was dripping wet by the time we made it inside the house. Two hrs later it was time to get up. Jaylah isn't a morning parson without her sleep. She kicked me out of the shower, so I had to finish getting ready in the downstairs bathroom. Now we're heading to school when we really just wish we was still asleep. I used to just stay home when ever I wanted to but with Jaylah, there something I like in that shit ho. "I'm just gonna drop you off ok? Ill be back at 2:40." I said has we were pulling up in the parking lot. The way she looked at me was like I'm about to get hit. "What? Where the hell you going?" She said turning in her seat so she was facing me. "Dose that mater?" I said putting the truck in park. "No, it don't. Whatever bye" she said rolling her eyes and opening the door. "I'm just playing love, where do I need to be? Besides with you" I laughed and gave her a kiss then got out. "Really? It's to early for this Skylar." She said as she stepped out. I took her hand and kissed it, "yeah i know. but the look in your face was funny" i smiled then walked us inside.
The day want by like it always dose. Slow. Everyone saying how nice it was to see me back in school and asking how I was feeling, how did I get shot. It was getting the the point I just wanted to hit anyone that walked up to me. "Hey" a lovely voice said coming up from behind me. I smile and turn around the frown. "Well, don't have to look like you want to kill me damn" one of Jaylah's friends said as she stopped. I forgot her name. Sami? "Umm sorry, thought you was Jaylah" she nods and smiles "so I was wanting to know if you would like to got out sometime?" She asked looking down and her feet. "Nope" I said popping the 'p'. She looked up like she didn't thank I would say that. "What? Why not?" She said. I looked at her like she was stupid. "What the fuck do you mean why not? I'm with someone. So leave" I told her and turned back around to Danny who was giving her the death stare. "Who The whore Jaylah? Oh plz. she fucking some guy right now in the mens locker room" She said laughing. I tuned around and got face to face with her. She backed up with fear in her eyes until her back was up at the wall. "Don't you ever fucking call her that! If you do so help me go-" I was cut off by Danny pulling me away from her. "Come on, lets go outside to cool off bigBoy" he said as I tuned and walked off he was calling the slut everything in the book. i kept walking but not to the doors to go outside, i went Down the hall where the lockers were. When I got closer I could hear a guy laughing and a girl moaning? I open the door and what I seen made me see red..


I was walking down the hall after class when someone tapped me on the back. I turn and see Sami, a girl I used to be friends with. We're not that close anymore just a hi bye kind for friends now. "Hey, I'm happy to see your back and ok" she said smiling. "Thanks Sami, umm how have you been?" I asked as I put my things up in my locker. "I'm good. Ill be better in amin tho" she said and I didn't get what she ment so I just looked passed it. "Umm cool, well have a nice day Sami" I said and went to walk away when I hit something hard. I look up and see the guy from the club, Max. "Hey cutie" he says with his deep voice. I back up and he follows. "Yep, now I'm better" Sami said walking passed me and stands beside Max. She kisses him on the cheek and smiles at me. "Have fun" she says then turns and walks off, leaving me with Max who is smiling. He starts walking closer to me. I turn to run but he was to fast. I go to yell but he puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me into a room. With his hand over my mouth, he pushes my back hard into the wall. "Shut your fucking mouth, before I put something in there that will shut it for you" he hisses in my face. I nod my head and look around for something, Anything. We seem to be in the locker rooms. "Are you going to be a good slut for be baby?" Max asked making me turn back to him. "I'm going to move my hand, but if you yell your going to be sorry" he smiles and pulls his hand away. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked between gridded teeth. He laughs and grabs my neck roughly. Making my head hit the wall. "To get back at your bitch of a boyfriend. An what better way to do so to use what he cares most about" he smiles. I try and move his hands but he squeezes more, making me fight for my breath. I try and kick but he pushes his body to mine so I couldn't move anything but my arms. I try to get his hands off again, it wasn't working so I start hitting his arms and face just anything I could hit I was hitting it. He laughs as if he couldn't feel any of it. Then with he's free hand he grabbed my arms and pined them between us so I couldn't move even them now. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, that every time he touches you, you'll see my face." He says grabbing my hair so hard I yell in pain. "Oh yes, you like that baby? Because we're just starting" he breaths close to my ear. I turn and headbutt him, making him step back for me and hold his nose. I turn and run only making it passed the first roll of lockers be for he grabs my hair an slamming me into the wall. My eyes water as the pain from my head increases. "You fucking bitch! Your going to pay for that" he yells pulling me up by my hair and backhanding across the face, sending me to the floor. "Your a real man huh? Your all big and bad now hitting a gi-" he cuts me off as he hits me again. "Shut the fuck up slut! And yeah I am. Because a bitch like you are the most fun. Talking back, hitting, yelling for help. Like your going to get it ha no one knows your here baby. So keep hitting and talking back, it turns me on even more then you crying in pain as I fuck the living shit out of you" he hisses in my face as he pulls me back up with my hair. "He will kill you for this, and I'm going to love watching every hit, every kick, and every sound of pain that comes out of your cocksucking mou-" I yell in his face. But he grabs my neck again making my voice come up short. "You talk alot of shit for someone who can't do a damn thing. And for your little bitch of a man, it's going to be him who will be yelling in pain" he laughs. I push and push at his chest as he comes closer as if he's coming in for a kiss. "Hey Fucktard!" I look over just as Max turns around to see who said that. My eyes open wider as I see him. "Skylar!" I yell. As I say his name his fist hits Max's jaw.


When Max turns around to see me behind him, his eyes almost pop out, 'bitch' I thought as my fist meets his jaw. The hit made him loos his footing some so he lost his hold on Jaylah's neck. I slam my fist into his other jaw before he could thank to much about the first one. He backs up into the lockers as I keep hitting, he puts his arms up in front of his face to help stop the blows. I go to knee him but he has the same ideal, his knee hits my Stomach, causing my breath to stop in my throat. Before I could recover his knee hits me again, sending me to the floor. He takes advantage of the situation and kicks me in the back making me yell in pain. "Well well, see I told your little slut I would make you yell out" max says laughing as he walks around to stand over me. He goes to kick me again but Jaylah jumps in front of me and hits him, he grabs and slams her into the wall. He goes to hit her again as I slam my body into him, sending us both into a set of lockers making them come down and hit another set. His swings his fist where it contacts the side of my face as I knee him in the ribs. He goes to hit me again but I grab his arm and pulling it straight, i hitting his elbow inward causing a snap. "Ahhh!" He yells in pain but that was music to my ears. I slam my knee in his elbow again making the bone surface. Max grabs his arm as he keeps yelling. I started hitting his face repeatedly, by the time I was feeling tired I noticed he was out cold with blood everywhere. Jaylah was standing beside me trying to get me to come on. I got up and looked at her, She had tears running down her face and was pulling my arms telling me to run. But I couldn't. I grabbed her and hugged her to me. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner" I apologized. She looked up at my shaking her head "baby don't, it's ok. But we really need to go, come on" she says pulling me out of the locker room and into the parking lot. We get in the truck, Jaylah driving, i didn't ask where were going but it didn't matter, as long as she was ok and Max was fucking gone, better yet Dead.


Hey hope y'all liked it. What did u thank bout Max? Dick right! And Sami? Yeah Ik lol let me know what u thought about it and if you have any thing u want to put in ur more then welcome to. So plz comment n like 😘 laters!!

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