Chapter one

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I bloody hate the resistance camps food. I mean sure, it's better than eating raw grubs or slightly burnt rat- which is just as bad as it seems- but having slightly under cooked rice with a side of more shitty rice isn't to flash either.

I picked my bowl up
off the counter and made my way towards my brothers table, grumbling about the lack of variety in my food. I slapped my bowl onto the the table and plonked down on my seat next to my brother.

"Oh come on" Max groaned
"Its rice not bloody dirt! Be happy you've got something!"

I look at him with a straight face and just mix my gloopy rice around the bowl. Max's my only sibling. He's 19 years old and at the particular moment he's being a pain in my arse.

"Just because you look at the glass half full doesn't mean I have too" I say to him.

That sentence basically sums up my brother. Always got a positive out look on everything. I mean literally, if you were going to die in a day he would probably say something like "at least you aren't dead now!"

Max just grins and slides my bowl in front of him.

"Of course you may have some" I mumble, "thanks for asking!"

He just gives me a sloppy grin which is actually pretty disgusting considering he has a mouthful of half chewed gloopy rice.

"Here" Blair slides me a piece of toast and I bite into it greedily. The butter tastes sooo good and I moan. Huh, who new there would be a day when I was moaning over some plain toast.

"You could get you're own toast if you didn't sleep in so late" Ryan stated and I just rolled my eyes.

Oh, I should probably introduce who I'm sitting with. On my right is my 19 year old brother Max, then on my left is his best friend Blair. Max and Blair have known each other since their diaper days and have been inseparable ever since. Then across from me are Ryan and Andrew, the twins, who we met at the camp and in between those two is Kyle. Kyle is the classic class clown kind of guy and is probably one of the most liked peope in the entire camp. But apart from that he is super hot, like mouth open and drooling hot. His blond hair is always messy but perfect at the same time and his black singlet shows off his sculpted biceps. He's a great piece of eye candy to stare at this morning.

Kyle waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Earth to Lucy" he sang

"Oh sorry, what did you say" I asked, I need to stop zoning out so much.

"I said" he started with a smirk on his face, "the reason you need as much time sleeping in this moring is beacuse of the great time we had last night. And what I mean by that is that we had a good fu-"

"NOOOOOOOO" Max yelled at him with his hands over his ears. "I dont want to hear this lalalalalalalala"

I started to go a little red but coverd it up by laughing. It's not like me and Kyle have actaully done anything. I mean yeah, we have occasionally made out or something but that's as far as he would go. He wouldn't want to lose his friendship with Max.

Kyle shoved Max from across the table with a laugh

"I'm just messing with you man" he laughed.

"Ewww still. That's my little sister your talking about" Max whined.

I laughed again and pushed myself away from the table, starting to stand up.

"Sorry guys I got to go start my jobs. See you at lunch!" I blew them a kiss and walked out the hall with a smirk. I pulled a peice of paper out of my pocket to check what duties I had today. Uhhh just what I thought, I had scouting. I shoved my roster into the back of my jeans and made my way towards the tower.


So that was the first chapter! Tell what you guys think and please vote! xxx

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