Chapter four

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He stood in the middle of the door way. His enormous wings unfolded and raised looking deadly. But they weren't exactly.... normal looking? I've seen pictures and videos of the angels on the news with their feathery white wings, or sometimes they were light brown or coloured like a sunset. But his, his were pitch black with scythes on the tips.

His jaw moved as he grinned at us and oh my lord I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as that.

He towered over me and his shoulders were broad and muscled. I knew the angels were beautiful and very, well, angelic. But this, this was something else all together.

His dark wings shimmerd from the sun bouncing off behind him. He ran a hand through his thick dark hair and just raised an eyebrow at the stunned crowd.

We stood there like a deer stuck in head lights, but I guess to them that's exactly what we were. Animals.

"Sooo..." he stared directly at me, humor glinting in his black eyes.
"I guess this is when you run?"

And all hell broke loose.

Everyone finally started what we should have been doing minutes a go. Running.

The other angels poured in and started flying over the crowd.

I tugged at Max's hand and pulled him into crowd, getting mixed in with the screaming multitude.

I see Blair struggling to keep up behind us so I try to slow down a bit. Some old guy was still standing there and his daughter was crying and pulling at him, trying to get him to move, but he didn't.

I was nearly at the back of the hall when I see an Angel swoop down and pick up one of the teenage boys by the back of the shirt. The guy was screaming and struggling but the Angel just took him and flew straight out of the room.

Then I saw another Angel swoop down, and another.

I frantically try to find an exit, pulling Max along with me. Then I see an Angel come towards me, his creamy wings skimming the crowd and then we lock eyes.

A snarl appears on his face and he dives towards me, hands out in front of him ready to grab me.

I pull my fist back and sock him straight in the nose, hearing a sickening crunch as I feel it brake beneath my knuckles.

He pulls back and screams, blood erupting out and pouring onto the ground. He holds his nose with hand and comes at me again.

"You BITCH!" He lunges at me again but this time Max swings in front of me, blocking his path.

The angel tackles him to the ground and Max wrestles from underneath him. I look around trying to find Blair to help me but he's no where to be found.

The angel grabs a hold of Max's collar and picks him up. I jump into the air pulling Max down and the Angel with him. The Angel spins around and lands a solid kick right on my stomach.

I cry out and fall to the ground.

"Oh god" I whisper as a fat tear trickles out my eye. I gasp for breath on the ground, sucking in big gulps while trying to stand up again. I look up and see Max getting picked up by the Angel and flown across the room.

I try to scream at them but I cant. All that comes out are long gasping noises that make me cough. I drag my self towards where they were but I cant see them.

"BLAM!" A gun shot rings into the air and for a second everyone freezes. Then another man pulls out his gun, and another.

Perks of living in America I guess?

The amount of gun shots going off makes sound like the 4th of July and I can already tell that even though some of the angels will get shot, so will our people.

I crouch next to a row of seats and spot an exit towards the back of the room. I wait till the path has cleared slightly and I sprint as fast as I can to it.

I shoot through the door and skid around the corner looking for somewhere to hide. I run to the first door and shake the handle, it's locked.

So I race across the hall and try the next door, and the next.

Cleary others have had the same idea as me and are not willing to let me in.

I finally find a door that's unlocked so I swing into the room.

"Shit" I curse. It's a freaking towel closet with no lock. No wonder theres no one in it.

I push through the linen and find a hole big enough to hide in so I settle down and get comfy.

Who knows how long I'll be here for.

Sorry for taking so long! I've been super busy and that's why the chapters not as good :/

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