Raphael Santiago

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I look around the hotel trying to see if i can find something or someone. I hear my phone vibrate. I take out my pocket to see Raphael number. I pike it up.
"What are you doing here?"he sound mad.
"You took something of ours, so get your vampire ass out here."i hang up and everyone looks at me.
"Who was that?"Alec asked.
"You'll see."on oncue Raphael comes out.
"You are still feisty. Like always. Come on."he leads us to the drop hole.
Clary was to scared to jump. I wasn't surprised. Jace jumps down to catch her. Once everyone want i want. I was behind everyone. Jace comes next to me when we get to the stairs.
"Are you sure we can turst him?"Jace asked.
"If we couldn't don't you think i would break instead."he want up the stairs with him next to me.
"Fine. Just leting you know if we die i am going to blame you."he says.
We got to the top of the hotel to find Camille talking to a vampire. When we got close she got up. She looks at the vampire and nodes her head. The vampire nodes to and leaves.
"How are you Sabrina?"she hugs me and i hug her back.
"Good. You?"i get off her.
"Good. What beings you here?"
"One of your vampire took something of ours. We just want it back and we will leave."
"What did they take?"
"One of your vampires took a rat. Do you know Simon?"
"Oh. The trader."
"Yes. We just need him back."
"Fine. Just wait here i will see who has him."she runs off.
I walk to the couch and seat. Clary, Jace, and Olivia come to. Raphael standas in front of me.
"So any luck."he ashed.
"What luck?"i looked at him confessed.
"Any luck in love."
"Oh. No. How are you and Camille?"
"Good."Camille returns with a rat in her hand.
"Here is the trader."she hands me Simon.
"STOP CALLING HIM A TRADER. HE IS NOT A TRADER."Calry takes the rat out of my hand and holdes him.
"Sorry."Camille says.
"I will walke you out."Raphael starts walking a different way to take us out.
We got to a door. He opened it and it was almost day time. He lets us out and closed the door right away. We found a fireplace that we could go down. We want down to find 5 demons in the streets.
"Clary go in the alley and stay there in till i tell you to come out."Jace says. Clary did as she was told.
We got our weapons ready. One of the demons turned around and say us. He made a screaming noise and the other demons turned arond. There was 5 demon and 5 of us. It was going to be a even fight.
We took one demon for ourselves. I slash the demon's leg off.and he only had 3 legs left. I stab the demon in the neck. Black liquid spilled out. I take my seraph blade out and cute off his neck. It vanish in thin air when it died.
Everyone killed there demon and was over at Alec. I run over to see him on the floor.
"What happen to him?"i asked.
"He hit the wall to hard and knocked out."said Jace."Clary you can come out."Clary came out to us.
"The rune is not working. What do we do?"Isabella had tears running down her face.
"Let me try."i come next to Alec.
"I just tryed. It won't work."Jace says.
"Turst me."i take my stele out and was going to start in till someone stops me. I look up to see Olivia.
"You can't do this Sabrina."she telld me.
"I need to help her. Its her bother. Don't you understand that if i don't help him he might die."i look her in the eyes.
"Yeah, but you might die."
"No i won't. I m strong."
"Fine. Be careful."she lets go of my hand.
I move my hand to his shirt. I pull it of and press the stele to his skin. I forces my power to the stele. I draw the heeling rune on his chest. I felt daze when i finish. I saw him wake up then ever thing turned black.
Jace's P.O.V
When Sabrina finish the heeling rune Alec woke up. I look back at Sabrina and she was about to fall. I catch her and look in to her face. I moved a strain of hair out of her face. I fell Olivia next to me.
"What happen to her?"i asked.
"She wasted alot of power. We need to get her back to the Institute. Now."she says.
I pick her up Bridal Styl. We start walking to the Institute.
(At the Institute)
When we got to the Institute i put her on the infirmary bed. I grib a chair and put it next to her bed. Everyone want up stairs to sleep. Alac comes in and looks down at her.
"What happen to her. All i remembered was i hit the wall and wake up to her in your arms."he says.
"She saved you. She lost alot of energy."
"Wow she's amazing. Can i wait with you i should thank her."
He pulls out a chair next to me and seats. I wish she would wake up. I was geting tired and found myself drafting to sleep.

I am sorry this is a crappy chapter. And short. I will try hard on the next one.

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