Before Writing a Harry Potter Fanfic...

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Read the books! You can't just watch the movies!

This is a problem I've seen a lot. Either the author simply doesn't care one ounce for continuity and the books, or they've simply never read them. Most of these books tend to simply repeat the plot of the films (with the subtle and not-so-subtle differences that don't seem big to movie fans, but drive book fans up the wall), make Ron a stupid jerk, and make Ginny an emotionless, personality-less, jealous conflict-generator. They tend to leave out things like Peeves and S.P.E.W. and Marietta Edgecombe and all those things that made he books so much better! As all of us book fans know, this is not right! Please, read the books!


This little tidbit here is something I'm going to start doing every so often. It's just little things I notice that don't warrant a whole chapter, but I still feel they should be said. If you've got any ideas for these, let me know and I'll consider them for the future!

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