Chapter 30 ---walang maisip na Chapter Title :(((((((

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Bryan's POV

"okay kuya Bryan, you sit here!!"

Thia patted the chair in front of her while holding a thick brush and arranging the other make up....ammm.. tools? i don't know what to call them..

"i'll be doing your make up!!"

i heaved a sigh and looked aroung just to see Ric and Rhian exchanging awkward looks while Rhian apply a liquid foundation on him and Sarah laughing loudly at Brandon who even asked to do his make up by himself

"hoy Brandon! sanay na sanay aa.. umamin ka nga .. are you g--"

"of course not!!!"

Brandon hissed making the girls laugh

"ii di hindi!! masyadong defensive.."

we went back to our own business still laughing.. this is kinda annoying but i'm enjoying at the same time.. hahahah..just going with the flow..

"okay, breast out!! chin up!!"

Thia demanded walking backwards, facing us and telling us how to walk like a girl.. you know, the 'sway your hips like this and that' thing..


i threw Thia a mischievous smile that made her stop

"c'mon Thia.. that's not that easy.. you know we don't have those.. that's for girls and the reason why we keep our eyes on them.."

Brandon laughed with me while Ric shook his head on Thia

"you PERV!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thia shouted, almost throwing her esophagus out through her nose!! hahhahha.. okay, that exxagerated..


she threw all the make ups on me and when she got into her sandals and motioned to throw it on me, i covered my face with my hads



Sarah's shout called our attention and stopped the commotion.. Rhian was shaking and sweating all at once, lying on the floor..

"are you okay?"

She stood up and made a timid smile

"i'm okay... i think i need some water, excuse me.."

she walked out the room alone.. Everybody exchanged glances. Thia walked beside Ric

"okay, let's take a break.. we have 3 hours before the party and it seems like our Bryan here have mastered the girls already so we won't be having a problem, i hope.."

her mouth twitched and formed a crooked smile. Sarah walked out of the room but i pulled her when she reached the doorway and gave her a look

"ako na... i'll talk to her,, she'll be okay.."

i tried to lower my voice and not to let the others hear a thing

"please make sure she's okay.."

i saw that  tensed look on her eyes again.. i pressed her shoulder and gave he a short nod.. i walked passed her brushing my shoulder on hers


my voice was soft, i don't want to frighten her.. it took her a moment before she managed to face me.. her face turns pale..

"*sigh* Bryan, I'm not getting any better.."

She sat on the table and laid the glass of cold water beside her. She tapped the space beside her amd i sat there still my eyes on her

"it's not the Rhian that i know.. The Rhian i met four years ago would say, life is getting better and better each day though i don't know if I am.."

she laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her to console her

"i'm happy Bryan.. to be honest, i am.. with you, Diane, Sarah, Vince, Thian and..."


she raised her head and looked at me straight in the eye

"yes, Ric..."

and then she looked away.. trying to hide the pain in her eyes

"Rhian, can't you see? he's  not giving up no matter what.. why don't you just tell him??"

she jumped off the table and her shoulders moved up and down

"i don't k now how to tell him Bryan.. i don't have the courage to.. I've tried.. i've tried so many times, but i failed so many times too.."

i jumped off the table and pulled her arm and spin her to face me

"pero nasabi mo naman sakin agad yun diba?? then why not tell him the way you told me?"

tears started to race down her cheeks.. one tear after another and that lead into sobbing

"because you're my friend.."

i pulled her chin up gently and by the time she has view of me, i smiled

"that's exactly my point Rhian...I'm just your friend.. and he's not.. you kn ow it here.."

i pointed unto my chest

"He's someone special to you..and he deserves to know.. besides, we can't keep it as a secret forever..."


Rhian turned around, dragging the glass accidentally.. the glass dropped and the shattering of broken glass made noise

"R-ric..? ka-kanina ka p-pa ba..?"

Ric was startled by the sudden tense on Rhian's voice

"Bakit? may dapat ba akong marinig??"

"ha?? aaaa....eeeee... k-kasi..."

Rhian almost choke as she spoke

"guys! tara na! dadaanan pa natin yung invitations bago magdatingan ang mga tao dun.."

Sarah came rshing into the kitchen excitedly and Rhian felt relieved as she looked at Sarah, almost running to give her a hug of thanks

"sige, mauna na kayo sa sala.. ligpitin ko lang tong basag na baso.."

i bent down and picked up the pieces of the glass carefully

xxxx i'm kinda hurt.. i've got so many readers but i don't get too much response.. i don't know if you like this or i need some revisions or what?? so if you have time, can you please talk to me?? votes?? comments?? and be a fan?? xxxxxx

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