Chapter II

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When Jongin wakes up, the sun shines on his face. He rises from bed and then goes into the bathing quarters in order to bathe. It's one of the few things the Government kept from the times before The Invasion and Jongin knows that for a fact. He owns a book that describes life before The Invasion, but he owns lots of books on that. That book details the lifestyles and habits of humans specifically. The others talk about other aspects of life like ways of transportation and assignments. Those books are his favorite because they talk about the past and Jongin likes reading about what the past might have been like. The Government says to not look back but keep moving forward, but Jongin can't help himself. It's so fascinating.

"Jongin," his guardian calls from the cooking quarters. "You must hurry so that you are not late on the first day of your assignment."

"Yes," he replies and snaps out of his day thoughts. He likes to call them that. He finishes combing back his hair and dresses in appropriate attire. He exits his sleeping quarters and walks into the dining quarters right outside the cooking quarters. He greets his guardians. 

"Here," his guardian says as he sets some food in front of him. "You must eat before you leave."

"Yes, thank you," Jongin says, bowing but remaining seated. He begins to eat and soon travels back into his day thoughts. The food of The Dome is nice, he thinks, but the food before The Invasion must have been better. There must have been more variety and people must have been able to eat junk food. What is junk food again? His eyebrows furrow. I don't remember. I'll have to look it up later. When he returns to reality, he takes another bite of food and looks around. He swallows before he speaks because if he did otherwise that would be a reportable act of rudeness. "Where is Asher?" he asks.

"We sent him off to school early," his guardian answers emotionlessly. "He was using slang again this morning, so we contacted his school adviser and asked him to help." Jongin gulped. He does that when he's nervous or guilty. "He cannot keep doing that," he continues. "We will not let him bring shame to us by being so rude." He pauses and turns to Jongin. "It is your responsibility to teach him properly, Jongin. He is still young, but he must learn the rules of life before he grows."

"Yes," Jongin replies. "I understand. I will do that."

"Very well," he says. He checks the time. "You must be leaving now. Your guide will be expecting you."

"Yes," he says. Jongin rises from his chair and pushes it back once he is standing. He hands his dirty dishes to him and smiles and when he smiles at him. Jongin says goodbye and bows and then exits his living quarters. 

He passes the auditorium and the hospital on his way toward the library and when he sees the hospital, he looks at it. His mind instantly goes to Kyungsoo because his assignment is caretaker and that's where all the caretakers work. He then thinks back to yesterday at the ceremony when he saw him smile at someone and experienced a new emotion: jealousy. He wonders what he's doing as he passes by. He's probably training the new caretaker, he thinks. He sighs a little and tears his eyes away. I wish I could have gotten that assignment if it meant being able to spend time with Kyungsoo. He's happy that he only thinks these thoughts and doesn't speak them because he could be reported by any bystander for using slang and for having personal affections and, even worse, for thinking. So, he just takes a deep breath and presses on walking.

When he arrives at the giant library doors, Jongin stops and he knocks. There is no response for a while and then the door unlocks and opens. It's Yoochun who did it and he smiles kindly when he sees Jongin. 

"Hello, Jongin," he says. "Glad to see you made it here on time." He stops and looks down at his wristwatch. "It is exactly nine o'clock."

"Yes," Jongin says with a respectful bow. "It is nice seeing you again, sir."

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