Chapter XIX

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With his hands tied tightly behind his back, it's hard for Jongin to move half an inch, let alone closer to the door. Not to mention that his abdomen is still sore from the kicks that were afflicted on it earlier and he can feel his left eye begins to become bruised with black and blue. He huffs and scowls. So much for not promoting violence, he thinks to himself. 

It hasn't yet been five minutes since They left the room, but to Jongin, it already feels like it's been an entire day. Just when he thought he could pull all of this off, They come and put him in yet another dilemma. He thinks maybe it's because all of his moves are too predictable; maybe that's why They always seem to be one step ahead of him. 

But how is he supposed to get ahead? It hasn't been that long since he learned about all the lies when he really thinks about it, so how the heck is he supposed to think ahead of Them? Surely he isn't the only person who has tried to escape The Dome. Otherwise, there wouldn't be stories about people disappearing. And that must mean that They know just about every trick in the book if They've been able to keep the same lie hidden for ten years. 

But as he looks around the room he's locked in, Jongin notices the little scratches and dents on the wall and floor and he thinks. Metal is supposed to be a more durable building material, right? That's why all the buildings in The Dome were constructed from metal. So if the Government is like metal, strong and invincible on the outside, but even metal can be scratched and dented, that must mean They can be, too. Jongin's eyes open back up from being narrowed and he sits back in the chair with a faint grin on his lips. He realizes that if he's really going to beat Them and get back to Kyungsoo and the others, he's gonna have to dent Them, find Their weakness, the one thing that could put a permanent scratch on Them. And he won't stop until he does because he knows that just like metal, even They can be destroyed. 

Another few minutes have passed by the time the door to the room slides open and reveal Siwon. "So, we meet again," he says with a light but clearly prideful sigh as he walks closer to Jongin, his hands shoved into his pant pockets. "I was hoping that it wouldn't have to come to this and that the next time I saw you, it would be when you decided to confess to your crimes."

"Crimes?" Jongin replies. He scoffs. "What crimes? The only crime being committed here is the one where you're feeding lies to everybody."

Siwon snickers loudly, throwing his head back for a moment. "You," he says, pointing a finger at him as he turns around, "you are just like your father, you know that?" Jongin's face falls a bit at that. His father is a sensitive subject and Siwon knows it. "I know you can't remember him, but your father was quite the man," he says as he begins pacing in front of him slowly, adding in another sinister chuckle. "Oh, yes, he was always trying to save the world from the evils that afflicted's really too bad that he didn't get to do that."

"Of course, you would say that," Jongin says, his eyes slightly narrowed in disgust and hatred. "You hated my father. You were always trying to be better than him and that's why you unleashed The Invasion before its time."

Siwon rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall for support. "Maybe it was a way for me to prove myself worthy of being in his presence," he starts, "but you wouldn't understand what that's like unless you've lived through it. You get so desperate that you're willing to do anything and this was my way. Aside from the destruction of free thinking, though, I'd say I did us all a favor. We got a clean slate to work on. A place to start over, to make things right."

"According to your own values, though, that's the problem," Jongin replies. "You can't just stand there and assume you know what's best for everyone because that would be a lie. You just wanted to live in a world that would benefit you, where everyone saw you as some kind of god so you could deal with your insecurities. That's only helping you and no one else."

The Dome (Part 1 of the KaiSoo Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now